How do you deal with HEARTBROKEN?

Acutally, i found out why she cheated on me because she doesn't wait for me to make a marriage prosopal to her. So she run away with other guy because guy promised to marry her.

Go figure.

what?? she should have been patient and understanding and wait for right time.. jeez.. shes not the one for you.. :(
Sorry your heartbroke. My self when happen I cried three days then moved on. :tears: The hardest thing was forgiving that person, but once I did that I was ok.

The loss was hers, so don't blame yourself. I agree with others keep busy.
A broken heart will always heal. Give it time. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. One day you may thank her for it..I have on some of my Ex-girlfriends. What I find funny is when they done that to me & I break up with them. Come to find out I was much better off because of other things. Now all the sudden some want me back. Well they should have thought of that when they were cheating.

my ex-gf :rifle: was with me for 3 years just cheated on me. GOD I HATE MY LIFE RIGHT NOW.
Your ex gf isn't suitable for you.. Seems your ex gf want to be RUSHED and goforth get marry... She'll get divorce quicker..

I suggest you take your time and find right mate for you and will come true in love!

I've been there ex bf abused and cheated on me... isn't worth long run stayed.. I'm hurting and broke my heart and made decision leave him for good!

Important key: Trust, caring, love, strong passion in love bond and communcation honestly will long run and strong relationship!