How Can You ....

Avoid "Crash Diet" Too easy to lose weight with little food. But can gain weight back soon. Too risk for not have enuff vitamins. Possible links to some disease/disorders.
Originally posted by Lasza
Avoid "Crash Diet" Too easy to lose weight with little food. But can gain weight back soon. Too risk for not have enuff vitamins. Possible links to some disease/disorders.

Yeah easy way could cause problem, as what I said Eating healthy food and execrise regularly is the best way to control your weight.
The problem is.. when people love to eat so much as they can.. if they want to keep hunger... it is so hard... there are other options to eat the properly foods.. If they feel so hungry they may eat the fruits or vegetable becuase they are just low calories and carbohyrate..

Cut the pops.. and check the carbohyrate.. if u see any low number percent of carbohyrate.. you can take .. if high. you can get increase some weigh.

ALso if u walk a mile... only 100 calories BURN. Make sure you ll drink a lot of water. so you wont be dehyrated.
Water is fat's natural lubricant. The more water you drink, the more weight you will lose.

Eternity's right, if you want to lose weight, dont drink pop or anything with sugar in.

Water and real fruit juice is the best way to go.