HOH vs. Deaf--which do I sign?

Haha, someone asked me once why I wasn't mute and why I didn't "talk retarded." No lie, exact words, "talk retarded." I was like...you're kidding, right? They were like "Well, no, Helen Keller couldn't talk!" :roll:

I have been asked the same question, and also told "But you don't sound retarded. Deaf people sound retarded." :roll:

I might add that Helen Keller was an oralist and made a point to learn speech and use the Tadoma method (tactile speechreading).
Yes, I told them that about Helen also. It's a little odd how everyone bases their opinion off of her here. I mean, she was Deaf-blind, so not everything she did applies to ONLY the deaf/Deaf or ONLY the blind. We're all different, and I guess people try to fit us in a box.

The other day I was at a store, and the person kept repeating themselves so softly it was like they were whispering, and mumbling to top it off. I told them I was deaf, could they please speak up? She gave me this exasperated sigh and was like "Oh sure, if you're deaf, then don't you sign? Why do you talk?" It was like she didn't believe me!
Yes, I told them that about Helen also. It's a little odd how everyone bases their opinion off of her here. I mean, she was Deaf-blind, so not everything she did applies to ONLY the deaf/Deaf or ONLY the blind. We're all different, and I guess people try to fit us in a box.

I feel like all blind people, deaf people, deafblind people, and disabled people will forever be compared to Helen Keller in one way or another.

If you go to that store regularly I would explain to her there is such a thing as an oral Deaf person.
Hi everyone! I'm just wondering if I were to introduce myself in asl, would I sign hearing or deaf, since I can hear some, but not all? I have a moderately severe to severe loss if it makes a difference.

You are hard of hearing not deaf. Sign HOH.
I spend a lot of time around the house, but when I do get out and people start talking, I tell them I'm hoh.

The group of Deaf club that meats at the mall here are also senior citizens and don't look real outgoing. Next time I'm at the mall and see them maybe I'll sign hi as I'm walking by.