Hitler is BACK!


Active Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Ha ha ha, with Adolph on their side, I sure won't back the Giants next year.

Anyway, if the Oakland Raiders can get enough of their players out of jail for the whole season, I think the power might come back to the west coast.
:thumb: on this funny video. Thank god, Adolph Hitler decided to be Giants fan.

Here's other one. I think this one is more funnier than first one I posted. Spygate, 18-1, LOL.

I love all of the Hitler mock videos... hehehe!

The first time I saw this video was when they were talking about Xbox Live.

Later, I saw the one involving the Wii.

Now, it's the Super Bowl! Hehehe!
I love all of the Hitler mock videos... hehehe!

The first time I saw this video was when they were talking about Xbox Live.

Later, I saw the one involving the Wii.

Now, it's the Super Bowl! Hehehe!

There's even one involving HD DVD which is actually pretty funny.