Hi, I'm Stacy from Nor. Cal.


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Sep 15, 2006
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Hi Everybody!
I thought I'd check things out here. A little background info about me. I lost my hearing at 10 months old and am profoundly deaf. I went to John Tracy Clinic in L.A., then to Oralingua School in Whittier, CA 10 years. I attended Treeview School in Hayward, CA in their H.I. program until sixth grade. Then after that, I went on my own in hearing schools (Newark Memorial High School 1989). I took one semester at Ohlone College in 1991 and went to C.S.U.N. in 1993-1996 with a major in Psychology. I did not learn ASL until I went to community college.

Right now, I work from home selling used collectible books on the internet. I live like a hermit up in the beautiful mountains in Tuolumne County which is about an hour north of Yosemite. It's paradise here! Life is grand! My three cats live with me.

My religious background is that I grew up in a Christian family, even spent 7th grade at a Christian school. That was not the right path for me, so I followed my own spiritual path trying to understand who I am and my place in this universe. I've always had a hunger for knowledge and wisdom. I devoured books on just about any topic in spirituality from my teens to now. I had no plans to practice any religion and was going to walk this path by myself, until I unexpectedly fell in love with Hinduism. It felt so right for me and gave me all the answers I was seeking.

Amma the hugging saint, Mata Amritanandamayi, guided me to her over a year ago, and I realized that she was my teacher. You know that saying that when the student is ready, the teacher appears? That is exactly how I felt when I first met her, it is a inner knowing and recognition. My whole life changed that day, and since then I have a passion for learning all of the teachings of Mata Amritanandamayi and many other Indian saints and sages such as Paramahansa Yogananda, Ramakrishna, Anandamayi Ma, and more.

I am of the firm believer that all religions and all paths, whether one walks alone or without any beliefs, are valid and right for whoever follows it. All rivers lead to the same ocean.

Looking forward to some great discussions here!
Welcome to AD. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away!!! :)
Awesome, I'm also so hopelessly in love with my religion, Hinduism, the saints inspire me till today especially Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda & Paramahansa Yogananada, if you can get your hands on "An autobiography on a Yogi"-its a par excellent read!!

You have selflessly transcended the paths of those leading to renunciation, I hope that you merge with the paramatma, and that all your karma is finished in this life itself.

I am so pleased to meet someone of my kind, although I am not so spiritual, I know a lot and appreciate a lot of my teachings...

I am a sanathan hindu, so I learn the teachings of the bhagwat gita, the ramayan and above all I love the Hanuman Chalisa, it gives me supreme peace!!

Yes, Hinduism is a stunning religion, but at the end of the day, reach out to the religion you love, and it will take you places!!

:welcome: To All Deaf Dakini!!!! Nice story about you. Hope you enjoy your stay here & have fun posting:)
Hi... welcome to AD .. I am aslo from INDIA. Have hear of the great saints.
Welcome to AD. Very beautiful place up in your area, wishing I live there too.

Awesome, I'm also so hopelessly in love with my religion, Hinduism, the saints inspire me till today especially Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda & Paramahansa Yogananada, if you can get your hands on "An autobiography on a Yogi"-its a par excellent read!!

You have selflessly transcended the paths of those leading to renunciation, I hope that you merge with the paramatma, and that all your karma is finished in this life itself.

I am so pleased to meet someone of my kind, although I am not so spiritual, I know a lot and appreciate a lot of my teachings...

I am a sanathan hindu, so I learn the teachings of the bhagwat gita, the ramayan and above all I love the Hanuman Chalisa, it gives me supreme peace!!

Yes, Hinduism is a stunning religion, but at the end of the day, reach out to the religion you love, and it will take you places!!


Hi Kashveera, nice to meet you and everybody else thanks for the warm welcome!

An Autobiography of a Yogi is one of my most favorite books! I have read it twice! Of all the hundreds of books on spirituality and religions, this one tops my list. I always recommend it to everyone I know, even give extra copies when I find some on my bookhunting trips. I just finished a biography on Anandamayi Ma. Next on my list to read is about Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. Both are Kali devotees, which I am, that is why I want to read about their lives.

So who is your ishtadevata (chosen diety for contemplation)? So you chant the Haunuman Chalisa regularly? Mine is Goddess Kali and Mata Amritanandamayi. I chant the Sri Lalita Sahasranama daily. Are you familiar with it? It's so long! It takes me an hour to go through the entire thing, but it is SO worth it! It always blesses me! One thousand Shiva names equals to ONE Divine Mother name. That is how powerful it is.

I'm just now starting to learn and read The Bhagavad Gita. I love the wisdom and truths in it. I met a deaf Indian online that has his own deaf spiritual center teaching The Bhagavad Gita in Bangalore. He is a Krishna devotee. He travels to the USA and UK teaching the Gita to other deaf people. I thought that was pretty cool as you just don't find many deaf spiritual teachers like that.

Is there a religious/spiritual section here? I didn't see any unless I'm wrong.

Hi Kashveera, nice to meet you and everybody else thanks for the warm welcome!

An Autobiography of a Yogi is one of my most favorite books! I have read it twice! Of all the hundreds of books on spirituality and religions, this one tops my list. I always recommend it to everyone I know, even give extra copies when I find some on my bookhunting trips. I just finished a biography on Anandamayi Ma. Next on my list to read is about Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. Both are Kali devotees, which I am, that is why I want to read about their lives.

So who is your ishtadevata (chosen diety for contemplation)? So you chant the Haunuman Chalisa regularly? Mine is Goddess Kali and Mata Amritanandamayi. I chant the Sri Lalita Sahasranama daily. Are you familiar with it? It's so long! It takes me an hour to go through the entire thing, but it is SO worth it! It always blesses me! One thousand Shiva names equals to ONE Divine Mother name. That is how powerful it is.

I'm just now starting to learn and read The Bhagavad Gita. I love the wisdom and truths in it. I met a deaf Indian online that has his own deaf spiritual center teaching The Bhagavad Gita in Bangalore. He is a Krishna devotee. He travels to the USA and UK teaching the Gita to other deaf people. I thought that was pretty cool as you just don't find many deaf spiritual teachers like that.

Is there a religious/spiritual section here? I didn't see any unless I'm wrong.


Awesome, I also read the book and re-read it, for all you guys out there, no matter what your faith, this is one stunning book and worth a good read!!

True, Ramakrishna Paramahansa has one lovely life, I really loved his saying: BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF AMERICA...thats just something that moved me, even though I wasn't there at that time!!

I am actually a staunch Sai devotee, but I believe in the Hanuman diety as my chosen Ishwar, but at the end of the day, we have only one paramathma, that we all return to at the end!!

The Bhagawat Gita as it is...is quite nice, I liked Krishna on the Battlefield of Kurushektra, when he says, in my words, When the forces of good faced the forces of evil, lord krishna gave divine assurance to mankind, whenever disharmony overwhelms the world and for the protection of the righteousness and the destruction of evil, I will incarnate from age to age!!

I know of many krishna devotees, but this is the first I am hearing of one!! That's also quite cool.

I think as long as you post a safe topic, its cool to post anywhere...

Keep posting

Awesome, I also read the book and re-read it, for all you guys out there, no matter what your faith, this is one stunning book and worth a good read!!

I am actually a staunch Sai devotee, but I believe in the Hanuman diety as my chosen Ishwar, but at the end of the day, we have only one paramathma, that we all return to at the end!!


Oh you're a Sai devotee? Have you had darshan with him before? How did you become his devotee, I'm curious. I like hearing stories like that. I've had five darshans with Amma. Every single one of them so special! I'll be spending time with her again this November when she returns to California.

For those who have not read Yogananda's autobiography, his guru Sri Yukteswar was an avatar of knowledge (jnana avatara) and taught the true meanings of the Bible to his disciple Yogananda. So in the book, there are many references to Biblical verses and the similiaries found in Hinduism scripture. He taught both the teachings of Christ and of many Eastern teachings together finding common ground between the paths here in the USA.

hi, im ron atkins, i am asian but lived in the US almost all my life, i work between the US and the Uk , im into advertising. im just here to check things out.im looking forward to meet new people in here and to make as amy friends.take care people. ronaldatkins2000@yahoo.com.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! There is such a forum for the type of question you asked. It's in the Miscellaneous Heading; in the sub-forum of: On-Topic Debate under the Christianity, Religion, Spiritual and Other Beliefs. Hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD!

Have a great day! :wave:
