Hi, I just got my license


New Member
Feb 7, 2006
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and I was wondering does your license card have
anything on it stating that you are hearing impaired?

I thought I read in my driver's hand book that
I should have the letter C on my Lic.card for
wearing hearing aids.

I'm Canadian so maybe its different everywhere else.

I've tried calling the License place asking more about this
but it so hard to understand his french accent (I live in Quebec)
and talked way to fast!!

So I thought I come here and ask you all about your license card.

and I was wondering does your license card have
anything on it stating that you are hearing impaired?

I thought I read in my driver's hand book that
I should have the letter C on my Lic.card for
wearing hearing aids.

I'm Canadian so maybe its different everywhere else.

I've tried calling the License place asking more about this
but it so hard to understand his french accent (I live in Quebec)
and talked way to fast!!

So I thought I come here and ask you all about your license card.


yes I was provided a blue C sticker on back of license when I went to DMV for new license for motorcycle. Before when I received license for car - I didn't get a sticker because I guess the clerk forgot or probably didn't even bother looking up at me - aka drone job. Passed me a card and "next please!" and repeat that 1000x. Depressing, huh?

If you want one - just ask for it.
and I was wondering does your license card have
anything on it stating that you are hearing impaired?

I thought I read in my driver's hand book that
I should have the letter C on my Lic.card for
wearing hearing aids.

I'm Canadian so maybe its different everywhere else.

I've tried calling the License place asking more about this
but it so hard to understand his french accent (I live in Quebec)
and talked way to fast!!

So I thought I come here and ask you all about your license card.


What does the "C" stand for in your case?
What does the "C" stand for in your case?

Oh damn sorry - I just realized it now. Actually for my license (American), it's a picture of ear. No letter.

Oh damn sorry - I just realized it now. Actually for my license (American), it's a picture of ear. No letter.


Wouldn't it have been better to have a red slash across that ear?
and I was wondering does your license card have
anything on it stating that you are hearing impaired?

I thought I read in my driver's hand book that
I should have the letter C on my Lic.card for
wearing hearing aids.

I'm Canadian so maybe its different everywhere else.

I've tried calling the License place asking more about this
but it so hard to understand his french accent (I live in Quebec)
and talked way to fast!!

So I thought I come here and ask you all about your license card.


I don't know about that. I live in Ontario, there is nothing on my driver's license to prove that I am deaf.
I got a new Colorado Driver License and it did not say Deaf or Hearing impaired. Not even "Hearing Aids required." Nothing. I went back to DMV to correct. They told me not to worry and sent me home. I happened to stop the policeman at a store, asked him a question if it's necessary. He smiled and shrugged, "No, it's not necessary. It's up to you."

I decided to let it be and enjoy the privileges of "Hearing" driver's license.
none of this on my license. All i know is:

Class- C for two axels
Class- M1 for motorcycle.

thats my license.
Only I know there is B on the license demanding me to have two mirrors just same as back in Indiana, too. That's it.
Hi, sorry I didnt reply back sooner!

Here is what it says in my driving book, you'll see on
the right side of the page that it says the letter C for wearing hearing aids.

All I know about TN license restriction codes for deafies is:

04 (Outside mirrors)
28 (Deaf)

No HA or CI required behind the wheel that's it.