Hi Everyone - From Singapore


New Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Hello everyone,

I am from Singapore here. Just hope to make more friends over here ;) I don't have any friends like me here in Singapore, and sometimes I do wish to share my experience and thinking so here I am :)

I was born deaf in a hearing family, but come to think of it, I am not sure if I can be considered deaf or just having serious hearing loss. I could hear with a pair of reliable hearing aids, and could communicate quite well except that I do have pronunciation issues. I learnt to lip read by myself since young. I did not know how I came to do it, but I just learnt it somehow. I do not know sign language though since I did not attend any special school.

I got the same difficulties as everyone here, being unable to catch up well in conversations in my daily life :( And in Singapore here, getting a job is quite difficult, unlike USA where everyone is treated equal.

Okay, perhaps I should introduce myself more than to talk about such "upsetting" stuffs. I am 24 this year and I have graduated with a IT degree last year. I have about 4 years of working experience now and am working as a Senior Web Developer now in a small company. Sometimes I should thank my mom for the smooth path for myself, as I believe that she has been praying for everyone daily. (She is a buddhist but I believe each religion are good in their own way, don't you think so?)

That's all for my short introduction, hoping to hear from you guys soon :)

Hi Angel,
you've been a member here for many years.
And I thought I'm one of the silent people around here with only a handful of postings :p
Nice to see you back!
Hope you show yourself around here more often this time ^^
hello and welcome. hope we get to see you in different threads .
is it expensive to live in sing?
Hi Angel,
you've been a member here for many years.
And I thought I'm one of the silent people around here with only a handful of postings :p
Nice to see you back!
Hope you show yourself around here more often this time ^^

;) Registered as a member years back but did not participate in anything, but out of sudden, I receive e email from AD, so was exploring and exploring... and then decided to write something :D

Well at least I am back within 24 hours ;)
hello and welcome. hope we get to see you in different threads .
is it expensive to live in sing?

Hmmm depends on how you define expensive..:wiggle:

Just to name some examples, normal meals during lunch around cheap canteens or we called it as hawker centres / food courts are around SGD2.50 - 5. So it can be cheap. For restaurants, around 30-60SGD for 2 persons. Cars are real expensive over here, we have COE, so-called as tax, which can make a car cost at least 60k when you probably can get it around 30k in your country.

But it is a nice, safe, clean and green country. Many people like here especially when they do not want high crime rates, high disaster rates, and it is here all of us know English. But some may find it boring, as this is a small country and they can't find much to do except spend spend spend!
i heard the laws are strict. they "cane" people still?
:welcome: back to AllDeaf forum. I do hope you can stay and have fun. Enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
everyone is stuffed ! what is your big holiday in sing?
everyone is stuffed ! what is your big holiday in sing?

That'll gotta be CNY - Chinese New Year ;) Where we will go around visiting relatives eating, drinking, gathering and of course getting red packets :D

But thinking of holidays, I am going travelling to Europe this Xmas, gonna be fun, first time to Europe! :)))) Can't wait!

What about urs?
i know about the CNY where everyone heads home. but was thinking sing may have something different. this is the holiday season wth thanksgiving just finished , xmas coming and then new years in january.
what part of europe you headed for? say it ain't england:roll: