Hi :D


New Member
Mar 13, 2014
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I'm from Richmond VA. I use a hearing aid (but I can survive without one. So I'm not sure if I'm classified as HOH?) and I have two semesters of ASL under my belt. But I definitely want to continue using it. I don't know anyone here who uses ASL though. D:

I'm not sure what else to say D:

I also love Star trek!
:welcome: Welcome to the All Deaf Forum!

By the way, Star Trek...blah! Star Wars rock!! :giggle:

My brother is a serious Trekker.

I did get to meet William Shatner in person in 1970. :)
Really, Reba? Do you have a photograph to validate your statement? :hmm:
I don't want to hijack an intro thread but if you must know, I did have a photo and I gave it to my brother for his collection. It was at the Ivoryton Theater in Connecticut, for the play There's a Girl in My Soup with Jill Hayworth. Prior to the performance, Shatner took a jog with his Great Dane around the neighborhood. He was nice enough to pause for pictures and autographs before going into the theater building. My mom treated me to the tickets as a birthday present.

I've posted about this event before. Look it up if you wish.

So, really? You would ask such a question on someone's intro thread? Really?

To abbeyjewel, I apologize for this interruption.

Trek on! :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf Forum. I used to watched the old Star Trek for years without close captioned back in the old days. Hard to understand but I watched their actions and expressions. I tried to lipread them, but get lost in them. Yes, I was a fan of Star Trek. :)

Anyway, I hope you have fun reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave:
Wow! I like the attention! Especially about Star Trek.

I like both Star Wars and Star Trek. I haven't gotten into Star Wars as much as Star Trek, but I want to.

The new director, is kinda bad... He ignores a LOT of the old series and I have a lot of problems with him. I am relieved that JJ Abrams is moving away from Star Trek. I think he goes against a lot of what Roddenberry (The creator of Star Trek) wanted. Especially as far as diversity and equality goes.

If you have netflix, The Original Series is on there and it has subtitles! I tend to not be able to follow television or movies unless they have subtitles, so I'm happy netflix has subtitles on most of their movies and shows!
Wow! I like the attention! Especially about Star Trek.

I like both Star Wars and Star Trek. I haven't gotten into Star Wars as much as Star Trek, but I want to.

The new director, is kinda bad... He ignores a LOT of the old series and I have a lot of problems with him. I am relieved that JJ Abrams is moving away from Star Trek. I think he goes against a lot of what Roddenberry (The creator of Star Trek) wanted. Especially as far as diversity and equality goes.

If you have netflix, The Original Series is on there and it has subtitles! I tend to not be able to follow television or movies unless they have subtitles, so I'm happy netflix has subtitles on most of their movies and shows!

Who doesn't like getting attention? Ha. Who's your favorite Star Trek character and why?

You ought to delve deeply into Star Wars!
Who doesn't like getting attention? Ha. Who's your favorite Star Trek character and why?

You ought to delve deeply into Star Wars!

See, that's a REALLY hard question. Because I LOVE all of the Bridge crew in TOS. Spock, Kirk, Bones, Sulu, Chekov, Uhura, Scotty. I just have crazy protective loving feelings for all of them. It's hard to not. Kirk is glowing sunshine, Spock is awesome because his Vulcan stoicism but the fact that he lets out his human side a lot (AND THE SASS). Bones and the sass, and the fact that he cares so deeply. (He's a grumpy teddy bear!!). and I could go on about everyone. Can I just pick all of them?? I relate the most to Kirk. at least I feel like I do D: Or I could pick Spock. See, I just don't know D:

I want to! But most of what I watch is on Netflix. Because I'm a poor college student who can't buy things D: And I'm pretty sure it's not on Netflix. (I'll need to double check) But that's usually my reason for not having seen things.
See, that's a REALLY hard question. Because I LOVE all of the Bridge crew in TOS. Spock, Kirk, Bones, Sulu, Chekov, Uhura, Scotty. I just have crazy protective loving feelings for all of them. It's hard to not. Kirk is glowing sunshine, Spock is awesome because his Vulcan stoicism but the fact that he lets out his human side a lot (AND THE SASS). Bones and the sass, and the fact that he cares so deeply. (He's a grumpy teddy bear!!). and I could go on about everyone. Can I just pick all of them?? I relate the most to Kirk. at least I feel like I do D: Or I could pick Spock. See, I just don't know D:

I want to! But most of what I watch is on Netflix. Because I'm a poor college student who can't buy things D: And I'm pretty sure it's not on Netflix. (I'll need to double check) But that's usually my reason for not having seen things.

You can't pick all of them because it can be fun to single out a character that you really like and analyze that character.

If you are a poor college student, then get a job, perhaps on campus? Ha. Too bad I can't let you borrow my Star Wars films. I am sure you can find somewhere that sells the Star Wars trilogy in one box for cheap.