Hey there

No Fear 23

New Member
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
hello, i am new here. I'm 20 years old and I go to kent state university. I am hearing impaired. I lost my hearing to meningitis when I was 2 years old. I am 100% deaf in my right ear and around 90% deaf in my left ear and I only wear one hearing aid, which is in my left ear. lol.

Just wanted to say hey and that I am looking forward to learning more about the deaf world. ;)
G'day No_Fear_23,
Welcome to AD. I hope you'll learn heaps from here, as well have fun.
Cheers! :wave:
thanks for the welcome..

well i figure i should post a pic of me and explain a few more things...

I do not kno any sign language, which is ironic. My speech is fine and everybody understands me well. I'm a lip reader. I am going to take sign language next semester bc people always asked me if i know any sign language. I am majoring in Graphic Design and am a sophomore.

No Fear 23 said:
thanks for the welcome..

well i figure i should post a pic of me and explain a few more things...

I do not kno any sign language, which is ironic. My speech is fine and everybody understands me well. I'm a lip reader. I am going to take sign language next semester bc people always asked me if i know any sign language. I am majoring in Graphic Design and am a sophomore.


ah nice pix heh i took graphic design class before....hehe

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here...
:wave: :welcome: NOfear23, it's nice to have you aboard Alldeaf. I hope you have had fun being on this forum, and making new friends. Best of luck with your studies at Kent State, and learning ASL. Enjoy your stay. Happy and Healthy New Year to you!!