Hey, I'm new


New Member
Aug 12, 2007
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Hey everyone. My name is Janelle and I live in VA. I'm 24 years old and I've been hard of hearing since I was 2 years old. It all happened because of an ear infection and doctors didn't find out what was wrong until it was too late; the fluid had already gotten behind my eardrums and ruined my hearing. They didn't realize that I was almost deaf because of how well I had taught myself to lip read. I do not know sign language because I was sent to a regular school (even though the deaf school was right in my town in WV). They said something about me being really smart and I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean or what that has to do with me interacting with kids that are like me. I would love to learn though. I have about 20% of my hearing left in my left ear and about 50% left in my right ear. I don't think it is getting worse.

I was made fun of a lot in school so that made me really shy but I'm definitely getting over that stage because I'm starting to not care what people think about me, which that should have been the case in the first place, but you know how kids can influence others. If people don't want to get to know me before making fun of me because of my hearing then that's their problem, right? I'm a very nice person and I love hanging out and chatting with everyone. I love getting to know people and learning about them.

Let's see, what else? I did graduate high school and college. I'm now working in a distribution center but I have a degree in Information Systems, which has to do with computers. I love working with computers. I am a HUGE WVU football fan, so if there is anyone else out there that loves them as well, please let me know.

Anyway, I know I typed a lot but I thought I'd fill you guys in. If there is anything else you'd like to know just let me know.
Hey everyone...If there is anything else you'd like to know just let me know.
:welcome: Ms Janelle & family!

Yes Ma'am Ms Janelle, if you please, I would like to know what are the winning numbers for the Mega Millions Lottery Jackpot on August 14th, 2007? Thank you.

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Nice and interesting introduction--as for college f-ball, sry, I root for the Iowa Hawkeyes (even though, I live in Ohio now)...anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here as well! ;)

:welcome: Ms Janelle & family!

Yes Ma'am Ms Janelle, if you please, I would like to know what are the winning numbers for the Mega Millions Lottery Jackpot on August 14th, 2007? Thank you.

LoL, I guess I should have been more specific, huh? Well, if you'd like to know more about ME, just ask. ;) But yeah, if you want to know those numbers I'll let you know on August 15th. :)