Hey deafclimber, what's up with you?

Happy Birthday to you, DeafClimber ! Have a pleasant one while it lasts ! :D
Hey DeafClimber...
*pokes your shoulder* you forgot sumth'n....
your gift...


Here's your best birthday celebrate!
Where's my hugs? (chuckles)
hey ADers many thanks ! sorry i couldnt reply ya quickly. i have been extremely busy with many things to do...

my trip in UTAH was wonderful. what the beautiful mountains. i had climbed in little cottonwood and big cottonwood. i went to park city and went off roading between park city and salt lake city - it was fun... somehow i had to cut few days vacation and forced myself to fly back to home because my grandmother passed away so i had to be with my family. but i am happy that she is now with my father and grandfather. so anyway. i really appreciate that you people have some thoughts of me. :) let us group hug ! ;)
deafclimber, I am sorry to hear about your grandmother, may she rest in peace :hug:

I am glad that you got to see this thread :) :grouphug:
Bye the way, how was your trip to Utah? I really hope you enjoyed it. What places did you eat at when you were here?

ahh humm i tried to remmy where i ate at.... it was pie pizzeria ! very good pizza. it was only place we could eat at. mostly we had dried forzen dinners, beef jerky. we supposed to go to Cottonbottom Burger or something but time didnt permit us. :( i owe myself and my rock climbing goal which i didnt complete last few days that i had to fly back to home earlier.