help w/ pictures please........


New Member
Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
okay, i want a picture that is always there with my posts at the bottom of my posts. can someone please walk me through with the steps.? help would be very nice!
Another Texan..... for now

smileyface2788 said:
okay, i want a picture that is always there with my posts at the bottom of my posts. can someone please walk me through with the steps? help would be very nice!


I've been a part of this board since January, but the avatar is the only permanent pic that's allowed. I've never seen any pics at bottom of posts. Some folks get carried away with their signatures, and even that has been reduced. Not everyone has cable/broadband access, so it can take FOREVER to load one page. I forget the thread that talked about this or it may be on FAQ (frequently asked ??) by now.

PS: Enjoy yourself here. :)
You first need a server to show the image from. I have my own signature place for my signature images. If you need help, let me know.

If you have a place for your images, then the next steps would be this:


Replace < with [ and > with ]. That's it.

That goes under "User CP" under "Edit Signature".

Let me know if you have other questions. :thumb: