Help me.. *How can I block one site*

GalaxyAngel said:
I recieved phone bill $800 dollars.. I fainted while ago.. My eyes were wide open.. unbelivable.. I gonna be flat broke for christmas..

My mom almost fainted when she got a $1,200 phone bill as my kid brother was toying around with 976 numbers back then. I can laugh about it now. But the solution she had was to take the phone out of my brothers room and cut the lines to the jack in his room. It worked.

Well as civilization advances, stupidity also advaces alongside and the best answer is the oldest and harshest and thats to pull the plug on the kid's access to the web. Thatd serve as a strong messages. Thats the best way to plug the hole on your pockets whereas securtiy software does nothing to replace a hole in your pocket with another one by making yourself dependent on them.

DeafMonkey said:
OH WOW!!! that shocked me that your sons are sneaking that you cant hear at night time and your hubby gone for work at night time .. tsk tsk your kids .. ah maybe if it is good idea to take the cord from your computer at night time so they cant sneak it and play the games on your old computer and other computer?? if it is good idea or not??

or keyboard and mouse so your kids cant play ?

I did that few times when I was married to my exh. I didnt want my stepkids to get into the website. Also I took the phone with me too. :D
Pomeranian said:
I did that few times when I was married to my exh. I didnt want my stepkids to get into the website. Also I took the phone with me too. :D
:thumb: yayayay so your stepkids are stuck ?? lol
Once time I received a phone bill and to my surprise and i got :pissed: . I called the phone company to find out what it was and it was WWF. Sure enough it was my stepson made all that calls. It was over 250.00 and I blocked the number. It works very well and the phone company waived it for me. I was told it if happened again then I would have to pay for it. I said hey that kid is 9 yrs old and got no parent permit. Duh!!!!!!!!!!
I know now what's Habbohotel is...

My eldest son Danny registered Hobbohotel last December and love it...
They talked about school, scooer, computer games, homeworks, etc... They meet at any rooms in hotel... cool... they chat each other for the fun...

My eldest son was reccommend to register Hobbohotel websites by his mates. His mates registered last year and love it... He persuaded me to trust him with Habbohotel so I check with his mates's parents about this. I told Danny and his mates's mothers about you. They were like :confused: and don't understand how high $800 is... It's tooo much... They insured me to not be scared. Hobbohotel will inform us straight way if children do something bad or ask us for permission via email. It sound good. Danny's mates play with Habbohotel for over year with no problem or no charge...

I watched how Danny registered and surprise to see how neat Hobbohotel is. Cool websites. Danny taught me to not click "buy and sell the furniture" because they will charge me EUR 3 for one click...

I check with Habbohotel website and surprised that it didn't do automaic if I click to buy or sell... but ask for bank account. You have to add bank account number. I was like wow that Habbohotel have protection. It look like that your children use your credit or debit card number without your knowledge... Right?

I got an email from Habbohotel telling me that they accept Danny's register and gave me 2 accounts (for log in and delete account). I save Habbohotel's email for case. Danny still use it for 2 months now with no problem because he knows his limit which its good. He alway make sure with me first if he had problem with computer which he alway do that. I has no problem to trust him. I limit him with Habbohotel for one hour.

Parents are supposing to teach their children how to limit when they visit any websites that they should not give too much information to internet... I explained my sons why I used "Liebling" to any websites to protect my real name... That's why Danny knows his limit and use his nickname on Habbohotel website and know to not touch "buy furniture"...
Liebling, your son did right thing and not buy furniture...
Finally, My little son stopped buying furniture thru via phone habbohotel for furniture.. which found the ebgames has selling the ticket for habbohotel code... I bought it for my son.. I'm glad it's over no more using... I accept let my kids can use habbo... can buy their furniture by TICKET CODE coming from ebgames store.. When ticket opened and to see the code verfity match to buy furniture.. then can get furniture anything you want..
as same my daughter.. Both are happy and accept agreed w/me NO USE TELEPHONE to buy habbo.. which I've already blocked 900's few mos ago.
USE TICKET CODE.. that is it.
Yes, it's exactly... My son didn't touch "buy furniture" but play games with his mates in different rooms in hotel... chat... he LOVE it.... really neat website...

Your children learn their lesson to not touch "buy furniture" again... They know now... It's good...
Norton Security .. pretty good

ZoneAlarm .. Best

Either ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite or ZoneAlarm Pro does have ID protection and other features like your cc# and such to prevent them being going outbound online.

Check 'em at: Product Comparsion at ZoneLabs