Hello, just joined


New Member
Apr 7, 2013
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Hello all.
I thought I would introduce myself.
I am not deaf. No-one in my family is, either.

However, my oldest daughter is choosing to study ASL for her foreign language in high school. (I am a teacher and have 4 children ages 3yr-14yrs old)

I had a pretty large signing vocabulary when I was in high school. My friends and I would sign to eachother (mostly, so no-one would know what we were talking about.) Needless to say, it would have been considered SE (?) not ASL.

I am very excited about my daughter learning ASL We purchased the full set of Everyday ASL DVDs. The first one for toddlers and children just captivated my youngest (3 yrs old). He has been soaking it up. I have started buying him Signing Time DVDs to continue.

All of my children are learning rapidly. My boys are using it so much, my husband has decided he needs to learn it too.

So, this is a family undertaking.

As I have been looking into the actual grammar of ASL, I realized the only way we will ever get fluent , will be to actually use it.

(In high school and college I took German. I could tell you what color the window curtains were and ask where the bathroom is...but if I got lost in Germany...well... at least I could find a bathroom. lol)

We are all very interested, me especially, about becoming fluent. Really learning. I am here to take any guideance you can offer.

Thank you for having me here.