Hello from PA


New Member
Oct 17, 2009
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Came accross this site a few days ago and after reading some of the post I soon realized I wanted to be part of it.
My parents found out I was hard of hearing in elementry school and it was attributed to spinal meningitis, which I had at 2 years old. I got fitted with a hearing aid, which I wore in a bra like harness, in 3rd grade. I hated it and it didn't help. In 6th grade testing showed that it didn't help:). Waisted money on a hearing aid that didn't help in the mid 80's. Then in 2000 I tried a digital hearing aid (GN resound) and was able to hear speach better and some high frequency sounds that I never could (now I know why they call it tinkling:). About the same time I started getting episodes of loud tinnitus with distorted low frequency sounds. I have been dignosed with a type of meniere's, cochlear hydrops. Life is now getting harding by the year as it seem with each eposide it never quite comes back to where it was. People really don't understand that you can sometimes talk face to face and do ok but miss 80% in a meeting, on the phone, in a group or if there is background noise. They just think you're stupid. After reading some threads, I think I see a support group here.
Hi and welcome to AD! U will find MANY of us who have experienced or are experiencing what u went thru.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome to Alldeaf, hope you find lots of good things here. I am looking forward to your posts.