Hello from Dayton


New Member
Jun 21, 2009
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Hi all. I am a graduate student in special education, and I am checking out the chat rooms and learning a lot from you. I've read the rules of etiquette, and want to apologize if anything I post offends. Thanks a lot for letting me in on the chats.
Hi, you are the second one today. It is a wave ! :hmm:
:welcome: to AD! I have a BA in special education and a Masters in Deaf education. Been teaching for about 7 years now. :)
Hi all. I am a graduate student in special education, and I am checking out the chat rooms and learning a lot from you. I've read the rules of etiquette, and want to apologize if anything I post offends. Thanks a lot for letting me in on the chats.

UD or Wright State?

Back at you

Thanks for making me feel so welcome. I am at UD, Jillio. How did you know? Are you from the area?:wave:
Hello from...??USA?? where I come from must be a secret because I never see anyone from here, maybe too embarassing! So stop by say hello anytime and enjoy your visits here.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and learning all about our deafness, Deaf Culture and ASL. Enjoy posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave: