Hello All


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
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My name is Jerry I live in Maine. My family (my wife and two boys 7, and 11) are currently learning ASL. We think it is such a lovely language. Poetic even. I have found this site to be very informative. Unlike most forums, I have not seen any bashing and that is very good. I look foward to talking with you. I am eager to meet with someone that is HOH that could patienly help me and my family get fluent. We have a small gentlmens farm and I work full time as a Technology Director. I enjoy farming much better. Animals do not talk back or demand anything. They are just happy to be fed. May God bless all of you today.
Hi Jerry,

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here :angel:
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Jerry! Are you sure those sounds that these farm animals bellow out aren't translated otherwise? :lol: Just kidding there and what other reasons with farming that you like? Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)

(btw, am HoH--)
G'day jgerlach,
Welcome to AD. Hope you'll enjoy your visit here. I think it's a first to have someone from Maine here.
Cheers! :wave:
Roadrunner said:
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Jerry! Are you sure those sounds that these farm animals bellow out aren't translated otherwise? :lol: Just kidding there and what other reasons with farming that you like? Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)

(btw, am HoH--)

I like farming for many reasons. I got started with farming because I was :barf: disgusted with the quality of meat at the supermarkets. I raise pigs, Chickens for eggs, and chicken for meat as well as Honey Bees. It has been good for my boys as well. Currently I am trying to hatch eggs with an incubator. This is the first try. Last year we let a hen sit and she hatched three chicks. Only one survived to maturity. My wife also enjoys working the bees with me so that is something we can do together. If we had money for a bigger barn we would have a couple of horses and a cow. My wife and I volunteer at the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital. I would rather do that and farm and quit my job entirely. However volunteer work does not put bread on the table so I guess I'll keep working for now. BTW I just was looking at the smilies... Those adult smilies need to go IMHO.

Have a wonderfull Day
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf jgerlach!!! I hope you're having fun being on this forum, and meeting so many wonderful members. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! :)