hearing mom needs help with disciplining deaf son

Also...getting an ASL dictionary to teach yourself some simple signs (timeout, bed-time, mommy, daddy, sister, please, thank you) can help alot. As parents we are all here to help you when ya get stuck. Good luck!
I also am not fluent in sign. We are learning but like with any new language it takes time. We go to a deaf/HOH group twice a week and he has speech therapy once a week.
At least you're trying.....and good on you for also thinking about ASL too, even thou he's "only" hoh. One thing I'd do.....contact Florida Association for the Deaf and see if maybe there might be a mentor program where someone fluent in ASL could come to your house and serve as a language model. You could also request that he (and the family) receive ASL intervention through EI.
We do have a deaf/HOH teacher that comes to our home once a week through EI. She is fluent in ASL and English order sign and is teaching us. I know quite a few words but not how to sting them to forma a sentence yet. I am looking into an ASL course at the local community college as well. We are determined to be the best parents we can be and not let his hearing loss effect that. It is a challenge but we are up for it.
Thanks for all the replies! The advice helps!!!
We do have a deaf/HOH teacher that comes to our home once a week through EI. She is fluent in ASL and English order sign and is teaching us. I know quite a few words but not how to sting them to forma a sentence yet. I am looking into an ASL course at the local community college as well. We are determined to be the best parents we can be and not let his hearing loss effect that. It is a challenge but we are up for it.
Thanks for all the replies! The advice helps!!!

The absolute best way to learn ASL is by socializing with Deaf people. Every Deaf person and ASL student knows that. I strongly encourage you to check into Deaf events and socials.

Best of luck!! :)
I am looking into an ASL course at the local community college as well. We are determined to be the best parents we can be and not let his hearing loss effect that. It is a challenge but we are up for it.
Way to go mommy! Sounds like youre on the right track with having a hoh kiddo :)

As for the behaviors what others said are true. I spent 5 years in a behavioral kindergarten class. The best thing you can do is be consistend and show no emotion. Listen to Supernanny in this instance, those time outs WILL eventually work even if it takes a few hours the first few times. Hes a toddler boy and hes gonna give you a hard time regardless. Remember that some things, like the tv switching, are just his way of testing out cause and effect. So rather than punishment for that, find something new to distract him. And yes, always sign as much as you are able. The extra attention will help.

You might look into some of the singing videos. As cheesy as they are, they help! Baby Signing Time has a lot of music so depending on his hearing level may not be the best option but would be great for your daughter for sure. Maybe find a cheap on on ebay and see how they react to it? Baby Einstein has a few as well that are good. Easier to follow without the audio.

Good luck on your journey :)
LOL I never had problems with my son when he was a toddler...but by the time he came along I was a tested Aunt. I knew all the terrible 2's tricks LOL

Signing Time & Baby Sign are a great way for both of you to get some signing in together. My young nephews LOVE them.
LOL I never had problems with my son when he was a toddler...but by the time he came along I was a tested Aunt. I knew all the terrible 2's tricks LOL

Signing Time & Baby Sign are a great way for both of you to get some signing in together. My young nephews LOVE them.

I thought I knew them all too...but my kiddo kept inventing new ones!:lol: