Hearing Dogs


Nov 23, 2003
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i have a question about hearing dogs.

but i heard in alaska have a pitbill for the deaf already.

but back to my question, so my question is that if you know any place that able to training by the IOWNER with trainer person and get certifed?

but i know one place in oregon called Dogs for the Deaf. But i dont know if they allow to training by owner of this dog with a trainer person.

please answer those question if u guys know of anything. THANKS! i really need to know it.
Check out www.petsandpeople.org

They certify owner trained dogs, and have a lot of info on owner training for heading assistance dogs. My Corgi was trained in obedience by me, and in hearing assistance by my local dog trainer who does assistance training. I am working on getting him certified through pets and people just for the sake of it, although it isn't required to have a hearing assistance dog certified, it does help in instances of being hassled about the dog being in public with you, etc.
serijules said:
Check out www.petsandpeople.org

They certify owner trained dogs, and have a lot of info on owner training for heading assistance dogs. My Corgi was trained in obedience by me, and in hearing assistance by my local dog trainer who does assistance training. I am working on getting him certified through pets and people just for the sake of it, although it isn't required to have a hearing assistance dog certified, it does help in instances of being hassled about the dog being in public with you, etc.

Hearing Dogs, such as Snickers, who works for me, DO NOT HAVE TO BE "CERTIFIED" as per the ADA. :deal: If you two keep insisting and others, too, that they do, owner-trained hearing and service dogs will be a thing of the past. When that occurs, I will refuse to wear my hearing aids. I am more than capable, and so are the two of you, to train your own hearing dog. Now, about "certification?" I've already done that for my dog. "I, pek1, do certify my Hearing Dog, Snickers, as my designated Hearing Dog, as per the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990." There. Done. For more information, go to the ADA website or the DOJ website. Federal law regarding the ADA supercedes state law, so knock off this dumb "certification program" stuff, okay? Seriously. As for instances of being hassled, just put on a blaze orange cape on your dog. Only two questions can be asked of you anyway regarding the dog: "Are you disabled?" "Is that a service dog?" Answer yes to both, that's it. :bye: Time to go in and shop, which is what you should now be doing.

Hope that answers your questions. In the future, refer to the ADA and the DOJ websites, not a training school, as they know piddly squat.
pek1 said:
Hearing Dogs, such as Snickers, who works for me, DO NOT HAVE TO BE "CERTIFIED" as per the ADA. :deal: If you two keep insisting and others, too, that they do, owner-trained hearing and service dogs will be a thing of the past. When that occurs, I will refuse to wear my hearing aids. I am more than capable, and so are the two of you, to train your own hearing dog. Now, about "certification?" I've already done that for my dog. "I, pek1, do certify my Hearing Dog, Snickers, as my designated Hearing Dog, as per the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990." There. Done. For more information, go to the ADA website or the DOJ website. Federal law regarding the ADA supercedes state law, so knock off this dumb "certification program" stuff, okay? Seriously. As for instances of being hassled, just put on a blaze orange cape on your dog. Only two questions can be asked of you anyway regarding the dog: "Are you disabled?" "Is that a service dog?" Answer yes to both, that's it. :bye: Time to go in and shop, which is what you should now be doing.

Hope that answers your questions. In the future, refer to the ADA and the DOJ websites, not a training school, as they know piddly squat.


Did you read anything I said in my reply? I said they don't have to be certified. I said I trained my own hearing dog. I didn't "insist" anything, I gave some very basic information...LOL.

My dog has a vest. He is also certified because I believe in giving the opportunity to POLITELY explain to people about the laws, not just expect them to know them. In instances where people are very clueless, the certification helps in a pinch. Im all for things that make my life easier!

Don't make assumptions based on the little info I gave, and it seems you didn't even bother to read what I DID say very clearly.

Many people are not willing, interested or have the knowledge to train their dogs. Some have no business doing so. It IS a skill. Training schools are perfectly valid and a very useful tool for those that can gain something from them. If it's not for you, fine, but it's not necessary to critisize that choice for those that make it.
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I understand that, Seri, but the fact still remains that there are way too many organizations that have their hands in the pot, so to speak and owner-trained dogs/animals will become a thing of the past if these groups have their way. The ADA will work for them, not for US, hence, we would have to proove yet to more people why we need a hearing dog or any kind of an assistance dog/animal. I am my own advocate and don't want my rights by an organization that believes they mean well to me taken away from me. As I said, I will refuse to wear my hearing aids if that happens. I don't believe any person who is hoh or deaf would allow something like this to occur. Have you read about the protest at Galladet a few years ago? That can happen again, only this time it would be on a national scale.

And, yes, I read your entire message. Problems crop up when the word "certified" is used.