Hearing, Confused, Happy to Be Here


New Member
Sep 4, 2014
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Hi AllDeaf,

I'm hearing. I decided to finally register here because simply flipping through the forums was leaving me wanting more information than I seemed to be gleaning.

I'm attempting to get into some doctoral programs for composition, and I'd like to focus my research and ultimate practice on d/Deaf literacy. In the context of teaching writing, I've always been interested in employing alternative teaching methods to better address differences in learning style.

I've been interested in ASL all my life, but I wasn't smart enough as a (home schooled) kid to beg for formal lessons (past the ones I got as a preschooler or very young child). When I was looking at colleges, I wanted to minor in ASL, but for fiscal reasons I attended a school where there were no such formal resources. I was sure when I got there that I would find extracurricular resources for which I may or may not get credit, but none existed in the area (there was a single class offered in the city one semester that I could not make it to due to my formal class and work schedules).

Now that I've decided to focus my doctoral efforts on issues in the Deaf community, I feel that formal study of ASL and Deaf culture is integral to understanding how to create better practices in reading and writing for reasons that I'm sure are obvious to you.

Anyway, excuse my rambling. I have come here because I am at a loss for direction. There are very few resources here for learning ASL (by very few I mean there is one class that is randomly being offered about an hour from where I live, and I am waiting to see if I can get in or not). I've been using Bill Vicars's site and videos to learn. I am considering applying for some EdMs simultaneous to applying to PhDs in composition.

I'm hoping that this community will give me some insights and answers that would be hard to obtain through conventional research. Also, I am getting involved in the very small Deaf community here, but I am a little discouraged that the only such community is based in faith organization to which I do not adhere. I'm happy for the exposure in any case.

Thanks in advance for your patience with me as I attempt to explore your community, language, and culture.