Hearing aids batteries


New Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Well, I'm down to my last hearing aid batteries, and I would like to buy one pack/bulk batteries to last me another few months.

Thing is, this is my first time buying batteries on my own (previously, my audiologist bought the pack on my behalf, but as I have moved to a different city, I no longer have this advantage) -- so can you guys help me understand a few terminology, and perhaps recommend me a safe/reliable website to buy batteries from?

I found this site -- Microbattery.com -- by searching this forum. Any good?

My battery size is 675, so I went here.

and I was looking at this bulk battery pack here
Rayovac 675 Hearing Aid Battery 60 pcs

and I don't quite understand the terms used.
ROV 675AE Hearing Aid Batteries 1.4V Dial Pk/6, 60 pcs
Particularly, the last part. So if I buy one pack, I get 60 batteries? Or I get 60 6-pack batteries?

Any help is appreciated.
Well, I'm down to my last hearing aid batteries, and I would like to buy one pack/bulk batteries to last me another few months.

Thing is, this is my first time buying batteries on my own (previously, my audiologist bought the pack on my behalf, but as I have moved to a different city, I no longer have this advantage) -- so can you guys help me understand a few terminology, and perhaps recommend me a safe/reliable website to buy batteries from?

I found this site -- Microbattery.com -- by searching this forum. Any good?

My battery size is 675, so I went here.

and I was looking at this bulk battery pack here
Rayovac 675 Hearing Aid Battery 60 pcs

and I don't quite understand the terms used.

Particularly, the last part. So if I buy one pack, I get 60 batteries? Or I get 60 6-pack batteries?

Any help is appreciated.

I'm 99% sure that you would get 10 packs (i.e packages) of batteres with 6 batteries per pack for a total of 60 batteries.

But I'm not the one making the offer or guarantees. I suggest contacting the seller via e-mail and verifying with them. Per their web site they will respond within 24 hours.

FWIW, 60 batteries would last me about 15 months. I do think its a good idea to buy online -- brick and mortar store prices for HA batteries tend to be insane.
I got in contact with them. They confirmed that it'll be one box, containing 10 packs, and each pack will contain 6 batteries. So in total, 60 batteries. Thanks for the confirmation!

Before I order from this site, would you recommend this one?

Yes, the reason why I wanted to order online was mainly the prices. I can find 675 batteries in B&M for $6-7 each.....lol.
Great! I'm glad they got back to you so quickly.

I don't know anything about microbattery.com

I have ordered online a few times. The first web site no longer exists and unfortunately I don't remember the name of the company I used the last time around. I usually keep some of the paperwork near or in the box of items I ordered on line -- but for my HA batteries it just disappeared unfortunately.

FWIW, I ordered iCellTech batteries. Here's a couple of thoughts - I remember reading somewhere, perhaps at this web site, that one web site company will sell a "starter pack" where you get a variety of different brands of batteries so you can find out which brand you prefer. If that interests you, you could probably google for that and find out what web site company does that.

When I comparison shop online I try a few websites -- usually Bizrate - Shop and Compare Prices and Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more and I see what companies and prices come up. These sites have the vendors rated by users so that is why I like to start there. Before I order I also go to Check Out a Business or Charity - U.S. BBB and copy in the business's URL to see if anyone has registered any complaints. If its just a few complaints I usually don't care because anyone can complain for any reason including unreasonable or crazy people, -- but if there definitely seems to be a pattern of disreputable behavior, I will not order from that business.

Important -- before using Amazon.com make sure to delete all the cookies from your web browser. I have read that Amazon.com will sometimes change the prices that show up depending upon the history they have on the customer -- so its best to delete all the cookies before you use Amazon.com to comparison shop.
Won't your insurance pay for the batteries? You can buy them at drugs stores if your last one dies fore your get the others in the mail .
Over here, our health system gives them to us for free!! :) We usually get around 60. But sometimes if we're luckily we'll get 5 boxes with 10 packs of 6 in each :)
I prefer to buy batteries that are fresh, so only buy a couple packs at a time. If you look for sales and coupons, you can find them for half-off fairly often at the drugstores. Walgreen's I think usually has the best prices, but that might vary by area.
I get zinc batteries and my understanding is that they should stay fresh until their expiration date and also until the plastic tab is removed.

Ironically, I have had better experiences with purchasing hearing aid batteries on-line than locally as far as quality goes. For example I had bought Ray-o-Vac batteries at Radio Shack and several times they were either dead or only lasted a few days after removing the plastic tab (instead of the typical 10 - 14 days that I'm use to). The second situation is worse IMHO because I think it would be harder to convince a store clerk to take the batteries back.
Thanks for the replies, everyone. Sorry that I didn't response earlier, I work two jobs.

No, my insurance doesn't pay for it. They recently took out entire sections of hearing related coverage -- the only reason they'll cover anything related to the ear is that if it threatens my lifestyle or is life threatening.

Either way, I'm switching to a different one when my contract is up.

So, I bought the microbattery batteries. We'll see when it comes.