Hearing aid possession


New Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Well my friends, it has happened again. My hearing aid is possessed by some sort of hearing aid demon. I clicked my volume down button and away it went, zipping down 30dB's in record speed and then continuously beeping the "turned down all the way beep" until I turned them off. I put it back on, pressed the volume up button and away it went, zipping up 10dB and then continuously beeping the "turned up all the way beep".Again, turned them off and on. Then I pressed the program and now I am sitting here getting a tour of the various program beeps as I type as it continues to cycle at rapid speed through my programs. As long as I don't touch anything when I turn it on it functions.

I qualify for my government funding again in January, and I am counting down the days!

Maybe in the mean time I will find an exorcist.
What's the betting that at the end of December they start working properly again. :lol:
I thought you were going to ask how many of us owned hearing aids.

What you really need is a hearing aid exorcist!
What's the betting that at the end of December they start working properly again. :lol:

You have no idea what these hearing aids have done to me in the past three years...If they are working, or if they are not, there will probably some celebratory sledge hammering the minute they are replaced.
From my prior experience with Hearing Aids-always seem to something around the 3 year mark: yeah I know the ADP can be "used again"
Hope yours can last out till January/11

Implanted Advanced Bionics- activated Aug/07
hmm, are you sure there is not a 666 in the serial number? bwaaahaaahaaa.
Well my friends, it has happened again. My hearing aid is possessed by some sort of hearing aid demon. I clicked my volume down button and away it went, zipping down 30dB's in record speed and then continuously beeping the "turned down all the way beep" until I turned them off. I put it back on, pressed the volume up button and away it went, zipping up 10dB and then continuously beeping the "turned up all the way beep".Again, turned them off and on. Then I pressed the program and now I am sitting here getting a tour of the various program beeps as I type as it continues to cycle at rapid speed through my programs. As long as I don't touch anything when I turn it on it functions.

I qualify for my government funding again in January, and I am counting down the days!

Maybe in the mean time I will find an exorcist.

My HA started to act up while at a DR office and I could not hear! When the DR. was taking to me my HA starting making beeping sounds and I said "On shoot". My DR. looked at me and said "Huh, you just said on shoot, why did you say that?" I had already told the DR. my HA was not working,and I was trying to tell him that it was sounds . The DR. had no idea what I was talking about! I think my DR. thought I was odd !
I thought that maybe someone got busted for possession of a HA. I guess that I have a guilty conscience. :naughty:
ou have no idea what these hearing aids have done to me in the past three years..
HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA....... Unaided Deafies are right...They ARE tools of the DEVIL!!!!! LOL
OMG, that same thing happened with me though
when I listen to the music on my computer, my left hearing aid cutted out the sound and when I changed positions, it came right back on!
weird huh?
Well my friends, it has happened again. My hearing aid is possessed by some sort of hearing aid demon. I clicked my volume down button and away it went, zipping down 30dB's in record speed and then continuously beeping the "turned down all the way beep" until I turned them off. I put it back on, pressed the volume up button and away it went, zipping up 10dB and then continuously beeping the "turned up all the way beep".Again, turned them off and on. Then I pressed the program and now I am sitting here getting a tour of the various program beeps as I type as it continues to cycle at rapid speed through my programs. As long as I don't touch anything when I turn it on it functions.

I qualify for my government funding again in January, and I am counting down the days!

Maybe in the mean time I will find an exorcist.

What kind of hearing aid do you have? Phonak Aida?
OMG, that same thing happened with me though
when I listen to the music on my computer, my left hearing aid cutted out the sound and when I changed positions, it came right back on!
weird huh?

what is happened your hearing sound because you sound! I have feeling buzz and beep not sure volume! I don't know feeling exactly deep how volume!