Have you ever experience difficult time?


New Member
Oct 31, 2004
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Hello,I just wanted to share my experience, after i had lost job previously.my life had been struggling with difficult times.I had no money to live on,and find it hard to manage it.i was helpless i dont know what to do next.I was terrified if my friend wld find out if i had lost job,i thought they would turned away against me but they didnt.some of my friend stood by me.I was determined to find a job and i know that i will get a better job.eventually, i got a job.when I realised that l learnt a lesson from my previous job.I am happy person as ever. I know that God taught me a lesson and he promises he will never turned his back on me.
Sure, I had very similiar experience. I had some frustration on employment search. I kept hearing that they will contact me with their decision. I have made several interviews! I almost lost my head, BUT I was so persist in bugging three employers. Guess what? I got hired by an employer which is third on my choice list. Pay is alrighty, little far from my home and C shift... sheesh. I am NOT giving up in getting hired by that number one choice. That is because of pay, and attractive benefits. My recent job search wasn't that easy, and I believe I could have done better and more... Oh well.
There are lot of things but i manage them well.

If you lost your job, did you aware that you can apply for unemployment insurance which it will help you a bit until you find other job.
He's not from USA. He's from one of England's countries (UK) To get UI in USA, one must work at least a year and earns minimum wage over that 1 year period to qualify. Any jobs that goes though Temps are not qualified! I have UI, and half way left. grin

eternity said:
There are lot of things but i manage them well.

If you lost your job, did you aware that you can apply for unemployment insurance which it will help you a bit until you find other job.
Yea I went thru the same thing like you. I lost my job last January just the beginning of new year. Then I went out looking for a job after my truck was in the shop for a month. Finally got a job at the private school as a kitchen helper. Since it is school so I get to stay home during the summer with my son. :D That the best thing ever happened to me. I started to work for them at the end of April. So this Thrusday will be my last day til Aug 24. :D

Yea it is hard with no job and no money but always learn to survive while you can.
I know what u are going thru, my husband lost his job recently too. It is terrible to be broke all the time and have to sell everything. Hanging there. Your not alone.