Have anyone use Mirc- Invison and Exurison?


New Member
Mar 12, 2003
Reaction score
Right now, I am use Mirc- Invision it is thing nicest ever i had because i almost can get anything what i really need the game and software. It is really many people in there mirc. You should try and check it out.
Any Script mirc u would like? no matter.

just copy it and past unless if u are use it the mirc.

/server pracific.renegadeirc.net:6667

My sn is EzAddidos
Channel: #pure_warez

See ya there.

If ya have a question just msg me.:boink:
it is not legal.. everybody does.... 10 million people to use mirc is it legal??
it is not part of legal. You can download a any the game what u are look for and talk to people ask for trade and etc whatever it is. why u dont try go to look for invision or exurison whatever.
Eh!? Warez totally illegal, if they can report it to SPA (Software Pirate Agency), My server *not* allowing the illegal trade of warez, porno and etc..
Never Mind i am not going to explaine to you shit about this. You dont know what is it about. You will undy if u go there mirc. the goverment is apprvoel what is big different story.. so...