Handicapped Parking


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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You are parked in a space clearly designated for disabled persons. Please circle the statement which best describes your handicap:

- I don't read good.

- I suffer from terminal laziness.

- I have Attention Deficit Disorder. Huh?

- My inner child was bugging me for ice cream.

- My shoes are too expensive to walk in.

- Wheelchair symbol? I thought it was a rocking chair!

- My religion forbids acts of common courtesy.

- I ignore OTHER laws, why not this one?

- I AM disabled... by a painfully swollen ego
yes in causes quite some irrtitation here parking in disabled bit if you not got blue card
I hate it when people do this. My grandmother used to be a culprit... Her second husband was missing a toe, and got a handicapped sticker, but my grandma would park in the handicapped parking even when he wasn't with her. Drove me nuts!

Admittedly, I kind of did it once. I was driving my friend to the grocery store after she broke her leg, and was in a full leg cast. So yeah, we needed a close spot with some extra room to get her out of the car. But even then I parked in an "Expecting Mothers" spot, not a handicapped spot.
there are some that would bring back capital punishment people nicking disabled carpark,i seen some real bust ups in carpark,i not best lip reader,i no problems reading those lips.i watch two deaf boys come to blows about it once..the disabled carpark and the disabled toilet on a mainline train station two places study human condition at it worse