Great Awakening

Dayna Brooke

New Member
Aug 12, 2011
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They say some are embarrased about hearing loss and push it off til its too late, ya no,,, I was just oblivious. (its a sneaky little thing)
Hi everyone, I'm new to alldeaf, I was searching for some information online. Here's a little about me,
I'm 19 years old, my father's deaf postlingual, my mother's hearing.
when I was a toddler I had a sever speech impediment and took speech theropy. it was corrected over the course of 8 years of working hard :] and very proud of it! I also learned lip reading.
I was always getting in trouble for talking too loud (and still do :P)
**I learned ASL in 8th grade for the mere love of it.***
I've always had trouble hearing what was going on, but nothing to be concerned about, just alot of huhs? and whats?, but it was until recently when I saw two cars crashed in my rear veiw mirror just behind my car and it sounded like a small box dropped.
soon I'll be getting my first pair of HAs and I'm a little nervous, I've always appreciated the deaf culture now I'm just concerned that they might not accept me? I'm scared that I'm gonna be "stamped" by both sides. Advice?
well there's always invisible hearing aids like the ITE, ITC, CIC and an open fit hearing aid.
I'm not experinced with those hearing aids, but I'm experinced with behind the ears since I've worn them for many years.
On one hand car crashes are almost never as loud as they are on T.V. On the other hand.... Welcome to AD! :wave:

I'm sure you will fit in just fine. Keep an open mind and read as much as you can. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, ask and we will either direct you to the answers or just make up something. (I was just kidding on that last part, you can tell, right?) :giggle:

So, where in the world are you?
I am experience many hearing aid! :)
welcome to alldeaf

nice to meet to you!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
I'm actually in the music program at UTSA and its getting so much harder to play, I can feel everything, especially if I'm playing my saxophone at the time, but I can't follow as well, so I have to try and be perfect. Its really sad cause my dad used to be a band and choir teacher and I just found out he doesn't sing anymore, but as for me, I was gonna make it my minor and do music therapy with my major in psychology, but its really hard to improve and hear what my directors saying. I just got out of band camp today and I have to head back tomorrow, so sorry, just venting. any opinions?
San antonio texas, any one near there?

My Ex Wife was from San Antonio! Small world! With a little luck I will get back to Texas this year for a visit. I hope to go to San Antonio. I love the river walk. Such a great place to visit.
I understand what it's like to feel stuck between two worlds. Give it some time and you'll sort through it. It's a journey. If you can, learn more ASL and attend some Deaf functions. There are some people on AD who can fill you in on local resources. Welcome to AD. :wave:
Wirelessly posted

Hi! I thought you might like to know that I know quite a few deaf and hoh people involved with musical pursuits. My friend in college was in choir and used an interpreter. Have you heard of TL Forsberg? She is a singer in the band Kriya and she went deaf at age 8. You should check out the documentry "See What I'm Saying".