Good sites or books for learning asl?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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We are teaching my dd to sign and i could really use some advice on websites or books we could use when we need to look up a sign we dont nkow. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you!
People have their faves. I personally like ABC, A Basic Course. That is what I primarily learned from. This was before I took formal classes. At my college the course is taught using Bravo and Signing Naturally. These are preferred because they have video’s with them that show proper sign production. I personally do not care for them. That may be due to learning from ABC so I might be partial. A website that I love but others do not is I would say try your library before buying one of the suggestions people post. Find our suggestions and see which seems to be the best for you, most easy to understand. Once you have made your decision then buy the books. This way you haven’t spent money on something you wish you hadn’t later. is a fingerspelling site and will help with receptive skills.

OT: How far are you from Lexington? I live outside Paris and work in Mount Sterling.
My ASL class is using ASL Univesity the website is It's a really good web site that has a dicitionary and ASL lessons. It also talks a lot about Deaf culture. My Deaf culture class uses the For Hearing People Only text book. It contains common questions from Hearing people from Deaf Life magazine. It's really interesting. It's not like a common text book, it's not dry at all. I hope that helps.