Good deaf dating sites?


New Member
Dec 15, 2013
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I looked into some but you have to pay for all of them. Anyone know of any that's free?
Just go to a Deaf event or 2. You may even find a deaf person or 2 who have a car with turbocharged engine.
In my opinion deaf events such as mayfest ect are getting duller and duller. nothing like the good old days. really in my experience it was always the after parties, after the events which mattered more.

-hoichi the earless
Try using meetup or joining a deaf group on Facebook. The days of needing a dating site are pretty much over. It's less pressure to just join a group of people who have the same interest.

Beyond that, deaf group meetups don't usually center around parties because there is a certain liability when it comes to alcohol.

I used to do deaf professional happy hour, but there can be way to many drunk people at those events. And, none of those events were, "quiet".

Also, keep in mind, it's harder for deaf guys than women because women put a higher premium on communication than men.
I would argue its not that woman put a higher premium on communication then men, but its the kind of communication they value that differs.
Yeah the deaf party with way too many drunks for its own good always caused more headaches then it was worth. The one issue hearing people don't have and us deaf do is the lack of us. If your a deaf guy in the country, its rather slim pickings for deaf dating. Whereas it being a hearing world, that plm isn't an issue. quantity of hearing people is there its the quality that is the clincher. Even in urban centers if your deaf the deaf know you and we all know the loose hands deaf have when it comes to personal shit.
In other words it can be a hard bargain for some.
my opinion of course
hoichi- the earless
Thank you for the replies.

I looked up 12 ASL groups on and 98% of the members on all of the groups are Hearing people. I would like to meet someone who is actually Deaf or HOH. It's kind of like: If I were to learn German, I want to meet someone who is German.

I guess I will just have to pay a dating site so I can meet people who are deaf or HOH.
Thank you for the replies.

I looked up 12 ASL groups on and 98% of the members on all of the groups are Hearing people. I would like to meet someone who is actually Deaf or HOH. It's kind of like: If I were to learn German, I want to meet someone who is German.

I guess I will just have to pay a dating site so I can meet people who are deaf or HOH.

Sad but true. There's so few of us. My area doesn't have any deaf Meetups at all.

There's one that I know of called MeetDeafSingles. It is free to browse around and join but you have to pay to actually send a message to someone if you are interested. They also have a chat room but there's very few people there, depending on the time of the day.
Well, that is the reality, there are not a lot of us around.

You can use the pure deaf dating sites, but I would caution that there are a lot of scams on there.
I looked up 12 ASL groups on and 98% of the members on all of the groups are Hearing people. I would like to meet someone who is actually Deaf or HOH. It's kind of like: If I were to learn German, I want to meet someone who is German.

Hang on, why are you trying to find a Deaf person to date?

In my opinion deaf events such as mayfest ect are getting duller and duller. nothing like the good old days. really in my experience it was always the after parties, after the events which mattered more.

Are you saying that a room full of people selling ILY charms and pendants for $20 isn't exciting enough? ;)
As exciting as a coma. Its been a while since i've made an appearance at mayfest. The last one i did grace with my presence nearly put me to sleep for a decade. I narrowly made it out awake.
Hang on, why are you trying to find a Deaf person to date?

Are you saying that a room full of people selling ILY charms and pendants for $20 isn't exciting enough? ;)

I'm not looking for a date. Majority of dating websites has options where you can just chat, email, or just be friends. I was interested in one who wanted to just chat but when I clicked "chat", it took me to a credit card screen.
Good one is a free one. Plenty of Fish is free but you don't know if they're deaf or not.

I've heard of Plenty of Fish as well as Okcupid. I really try and stay away from online dating in general. :P I learned people are definitely not what they seem... *cough cough liars cough cough* They post angled pictures or photo-shopped pictures and look SO much different.... So after that lesson, I have steered clear ever since... :laugh2:
I met my current boyfriend on OKC... when I told him to text not call on the way to the first date it definitely didn't sink in and he called... lol

On one hand people on dating sites are often ready to date someone, not already happily dating someone or not interested in dating anyone yet out of a bad relationship. On the other they may be cheaters or liars...

On FB once you can TRULY say you know ASL you can change your language settings to ASL as a second language.... I've started convos with pro photographers based on their ability to sign to forge professional ties. People notice it once in a while and it's a searchable term.

As someone who is deaf I have found forums for deaf photographers, deaf runners, etc which are "happy places" for me... you'd be welcome to TALK ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS in a group made for deaf, hoh, and advocates on FB based on a similar hobby or career.... no one likes being a goldfish though ;)
Well you're one of the lucky ones! I usually tried and just tell them I was Deaf before even meeting the first time. I didn't want any surprises and I didn't want to get super peeved off because someone decided that they didn't want the "inconvenience" of dating me because of the fact that I am Deaf. I just like to get it out in the open. :P As for now, I've been single for a couple of years, and I suppose I'm okay with it. Sure, I miss companionship, but not to the point of going and actively seeking anyone. I am open to the possibility, but definitely not pursuing it. Maybe now that I am out of school for a semester, I'll put myself out a little more. :dunno2: Probably not... :laugh2:
Even in Europe there are the same problems, despite the many associations of the deaf and the thousands of social initiatives (such as the New Year's Eve, Easter trips, trips to museums, etc.).
many do sports initiatives to find groups of deaf people ....
I've heard of Plenty of Fish as well as Okcupid. I really try and stay away from online dating in general. :P I learned people are definitely not what they seem... *cough cough liars cough cough* They post angled pictures or photo-shopped pictures and look SO much different.... So after that lesson, I have steered clear ever since... :laugh2:

I've had two dates (with the same girl) from PoF... she was even prettier in person than her pictures! A shame she never got in touch to confirm when the third date would be :(

I notice a lot of people put 'average' as their size when they sure as heck aren't! Usually if they use the 'MySpace angle' for their photo, watch out.

OKC lets you specify sign language as one of your languages. While there seem to be more pretty girls on there compared to PoF, none of them have wanted to go out with me (yet).
ehm... sorry !
I'm really sorry .... Look, I'm ripping those 2 hairs in my head ... But I did not understand what it means POF? He's maybe ....

Point Of F...... ucking? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

hey... keep kalm people!! i joke :D
I've had two dates (with the same girl) from PoF... she was even prettier in person than her pictures! A shame she never got in touch to confirm when the third date would be :(

I notice a lot of people put 'average' as their size when they sure as heck aren't! Usually if they use the 'MySpace angle' for their photo, watch out.

OKC lets you specify sign language as one of your languages. While there seem to be more pretty girls on there compared to PoF, none of them have wanted to go out with me (yet).

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: YOU FEEL MY PAIN!!!!

They always put "Average" and you meet them and you're like " YOU ARE NOT AVERAGE WTF!?" In WHAT UNIVERSE are you AVERAGE?! Good lord... :shock: Those angle pics are the WORST! You know they sit there and take like 500 photos before the one that comes out and doesn't show their real size... It's fine if you're bigger, no worries... just be honest about it!!!!! If I'm a person that isn't attracted to bigger people, I'm not going to suddenly be swept away by you and your lying photos! :roll: