GI Casualties in Iraq MUCH Higher Than Reported


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
May 26, 2004
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I am going to catch a lot of flak over this, but that is fine with me. I have long maintained that we cannot trust the Pentagon reports concerning the number of our soldiers killed/wounded in Iraq. I ran across this article and I am in TOTAL agreement with it. It places the number of killed around 6,000 and wounded at 48,000.
When you think about it, doesn't it seem odd that the majority of our soldiers are killed by roadside bombs, if you are to believe the media? Yeah, right, our soldiers are spread throughout all of Iraq but ONLY those on roads are killed or wounded. Uh huh. Sure.
See if you allowed the iraqi prisoners be tortured this wouldnt happen. Look the russians never lost a lot of men who inveded nations in the 50s & 60s because the russians fired back at people who didnt want to be occupied by the soviet union. Russians dont tolerate you to fire at them. I think president bush should call arial sharon ask him if israel miliray would like to take over iraq and see how the jews handle the iraqis. Belive you me israel militay isnt as soft like the US military is. Isreal army is just like the russian army is.
Just ignore ravensten's ranting about Russian and Israeli armies, dear.

I truly believe you - we are all truly misled by media about accurate number of deaths that took place in Iraq. Bush administration does not want to admit the cold hard naked truth but we all will soon find out truth now that Bush has entered his 2nd term and all truth will come out because he cannot get reelected again anyway for his third term. He cannot pay anyone off for their silence now that he will be gone after this term.
I voted for bush! Because liberals dont remember 9-11 to well. Liberals would turn the other cheek. Liberals dont belive just because somebody attacked us we shouldnt fight back. Remember the 60s?


This is the society that ruined america
you are really a dork, you know that?

because I happen to be a liberal too and I totally respect my country and for you info, I didn't turn my back on the 9-11th attacks and even for the vitcims.

You are always saying stupid things that aren't totally true and of course, I just really wonder if you are actually in the 40s because most 40 year olds would actually understand the rules of AD and to respect their background, culture, personality, name it, but insulting about liberals has actually just pissed me off as you act like you know everything and that you think you are the only person who would actually care about things but actually just want attention and make people think you are cool and shit...

sadly, you haven't really made any good friends at AD lately, have you? have you even figured out why you were banned several times?

I'm not going to put up with this again, but I just want to let you know what you said has really pissed me off and and would very much like to kick your so-called 40 year old ass into the bombing of Iraq and see how you like it!

(sorry, folks...just had to let this off my chest for sometime, you can delete my post if needed, but I don't want him going away thinking that he thinks everybody sucks and shit like that, etc...anyway, peace.)
Some people get on my last nerve. Here is one.
Who knows the if the moon is a balloon the poet asks. But some questions are ENTIRELY too much.
Other thing people did not realize this, many wounded soldiers ended up living on veteran benfeits just alike my nephew from gulf war. He still collects them to this day and costs tax payers alot money. This war is way too expensive and many of them will never be able to work so we are paying them till they dies.

Now what about children in Iraq? How many of them were killed? Did not hear much about them. Why they did not want us to know?
ravensteve1961 said:
I voted for bush! Because liberals dont remember 9-11 to well. Liberals would turn the other cheek. Liberals dont belive just because somebody attacked us we shouldnt fight back. Remember the 60s?


This is the society that ruined america
Ah, so you like war... eh?
No one likes war,,But when a nation is attacked you have to fight back. Look at FDR he hated war and he saw hitler causing problems in europe. FDR said before japs bombed peral harbor that this war is noone or our business we have no attention partisapating this war europe is having. We will provide weapons to european nations who need weapons to fight but we will not fight their battles for them. "FDR in 1939" Then japs bombed peral habor FDR Declared war on japan. This is the same problem during clintons era terrorist been bombing blowing up innocent people in europe,asia,middle east and other parts of the world,What did bill clinton do? Nothing ! When 9-11 came bush declared war on the islamic muslim world that means invading afgainstan,Iraq and now iran is next. The arabs should have left us alone but noooo they had to pick on a powerful nation and now theyre paying for it.
during the vietnam war, no other country attacked us but we went to Korea just to save some "freedom" for the people or something, I dunno...but anyway, we shouldn't have gone there since it wasn't really our business, right? sure, I know there were alot of poor and suffering people there and still today, there still are! so it's kind of a similar thing with Iraq...even though Iraq didn't really attack us, but we went there to put down Saddam and bring "freedom" to the Iraqi people...but after that, what would happen? terrorism in other middle east countries would still continue and there've already been rumors that we are going to war again Iran and I'm not too surprised about that, either since Iran isn't really a free country and all, would know more if you took world history and stuff, anyway.

so, like I said I do support my country, but I don't really like where it's heading right now you know? I don't really feel that we are going after the right ones at all, so I dunno...stories about Iraq and other stuff like that are always confusing you kept wondering what is REALLY going on there, you know? so that's what I'm saying
ravensteve1961 said:
No one likes war,,But when a nation is attacked you have to fight back. Look at FDR he hated war and he saw hitler causing problems in europe. FDR said before japs bombed peral harbor that this war is noone or our business we have no attention partisapating this war europe is having. We will provide weapons to european nations who need weapons to fight but we will not fight their battles for them. "FDR in 1939" Then japs bombed peral habor FDR Declared war on japan. This is the same problem during clintons era terrorist been bombing blowing up innocent people in europe,asia,middle east and other parts of the world,What did bill clinton do? Nothing ! When 9-11 came bush declared war on the islamic muslim world that means invading afgainstan,Iraq and now iran is next. The arabs should have left us alone but noooo they had to pick on a powerful nation and now theyre paying for it.
clinton didn't do anything to the american citizens only because they were in other countries...not ours, so I'm sorry they died but Bush didn't really do anything when a reporter got caught prisoner 3 years ago in afhagtstian and he was killed...he has a wife and baby back in america and he never even get to see them before he died...the afghans thought he was like a spy or something but he was actually a journalism so...there was nothing bush could do to save his ass, either. He's only going after the terrorism, not saving any american citizens anyway.

life sure is a mother fucker eh?
Dont Forget We Lost Good Young Soldiers In Vietnam

Steel said:
during the vietnam war, no other country attacked us but we went to Korea just to save some "freedom" for the people or something, I dunno...but anyway, we shouldn't have gone there since it wasn't really our business, right? sure, I know there were alot of poor and suffering people there and still today, there still are! so it's kind of a similar thing with Iraq...even though Iraq didn't really attack us, but we went there to put down Saddam and bring "freedom" to the Iraqi people...but after that, what would happen? terrorism in other middle east countries would still continue and there've already been rumors that we are going to war again Iran and I'm not too surprised about that, either since Iran isn't really a free country and all, would know more if you took world history and stuff, anyway.

so, like I said I do support my country, but I don't really like where it's heading right now you know? I don't really feel that we are going after the right ones at all, so I dunno...stories about Iraq and other stuff like that are always confusing you kept wondering what is REALLY going on there, you know? so that's what I'm saying
AND KOREAN WERE CONTROLLED BY DEMCRAT presidents too.tenn times more than now also bush is trying to save now than later .you raTHER have war here pr more casualtities later.? also a question do you live in germany if so how can that be liberal ythere ? I never lived in germany.

what gives you that kind of idea?

I'm an born american and have lived in america for 20 years so far...

and you know that there can be more than two politcal parties in american. it just doesn't have to be demcrats or republicans, there are still a bunch more, but the democrats and repubicans are just the main political parties that the government mostly controls over.
LBJ didnt have to declare war on vietnam,Vietnam didnt attack us. All vietnam was a democratic party politicans war. Why wasnt hollywood critizing LBJ? Why didnt Hollywood make jokes and anti political movies during LBJ & FDR times? Ill tell you why ,,,Plan n simple LIBERALISM! But if a republican declares war oh yeah hollywood would lash out against the president. Oh yeah where was micheal moore when clinton attacked Kosovo?? Huh?
um...I dont think I've heard anything about clinton attacking Kosovo before in my that in china?

if so, he did it as an accident and was actually supposed to bomb somewhere near the middle east...not in China but hell, Michale Moore actually liked clinton so he didn't really do any insulting against him or something like that...DUH!
I told myself I wasn't going to post, but I'm going to now.

Yes, ravensteven is correct about about America's stand on the Second World War before and after.

Some clarification needs to be made about the vietnam war:

The only reason why America got involved into that war was to fight communism at that time, involving the northern part of Vietnam against the Viet Cong (if my memory serves me right on the name). The Viet Cong (i forgot the leader's name at this moment) was fighting the south side because of the "president" placed in power by the americans at the time in order to get some influence into the government to create more of a profit in the fat cats pockets.

Of course, the strongest nation in the world got their ass kicked by a small group of determined fighters. How beautiful. :)

Not to mention, it's very interesting that the US government trained Osama Bin Laden to fight against the Soviet Union who were invading Afgahnistan at that time.

Also, if my memory serves me correctly, the Americans were told time and time again to remove their forces off their holy ground. Osama was very vocal about this, but they never did. Shame, shame. For this reason, I believe Osama was banished from the place.


Quite frankly, americans do not necessary have a very good reputation for diplomacy around the world... it's interesting to hear how some american tourists go so far to wear a piece of material that'll publicly display them as Canadian. Is that shame, I see?

World problems will always exists as long someone is around to make small mistakes that will eventually snowball into the future... in this case, 9/11. Please know that i am not disrespecting the victims of 9/11.

Going off topic hereI'm Canadian...

I don't support war, but if for some reason I became drafted for a major war, I'll fight to defend my lover, not for my country, your country, or anyone's country, but for the person who matters to me the most.

back on the topic

The reason why they are trying to stop the abuses is because they do not want to have lasting problems to come back around and bite them back in the ass again. Violence begets violence... it was fortunate that the media got a hold of this information, otherwise the american military would never have released it to the public and hte men responsible would have continued the abuses or get away free.

Think about it, people... if I invaded your country and torture you in the most horrible way and then let you live or your children live, how would that turn out? You'll get older and attack my country for something one person did to you.

All that, just for revenge.


wow, that was a long post
And who was responsibile training osama bin laden to fight against the soviets? DEMOCRATIC LIBERAL JIMMY CARTER!! So democrats are known to fuck up things. Name one democrat who did things just right? Name just one!!