Georgian TV reporter shot by Russian sniper during live broadcast carries on with her

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jesus. that reporter should be wearing the vest in the first place!
A reporter in a war zone - what could possibly go wrong?

On the flip side, a Russian sniper shooting at an un-armed reporter? Typical Russians.
wow! miss the target on her! could be drunk! lol! they cant shoot at her! wft! but good she safe :)
A reporter in a war zone - what could possibly go wrong?

On the flip side, a Russian sniper shooting at an un-armed reporter? Typical Russians.

No. I know why Russians did. If she died, that would lead Georgians, even Americans angry. :)
I don't know it could be either a strayed bullet or sniper attack.
Gotta love the Russia-bashing.

You know, if the US did not have a part in training Georgian soldiers, maybe they wouldn't have the balls to invade South Ossetia?
Gotta love the Russia-bashing.

You know, if the US did not have a part in training Georgian soldiers, maybe they wouldn't have the balls to invade South Ossetia?

The US soldiers are training the Georgian soldiers since 1999 in some joint exercises or missions in Iraq. It doesn't because of us. Russians has more equipments and populations than Georgia does, however, the Georgian soldiers fought couragely against the mighty Russian Army. As you know that the Georgian soldiers take the Russian tanks pretty good in numbers.
jesus. that reporter should be wearing the vest in the first place!
Yes, they should. However, in the recent instances where journalists were injured, vests wouldn't have helped. One was shot in the eye, the woman was shot in the arm, and another guy was injured in the ankle.

I believe those snipers knew where to aim.
Yes, they should. However, in the recent instances where journalists were injured, vests wouldn't have helped. One was shot in the eye, the woman was shot in the arm, and another guy was injured in the ankle.

I believe those snipers knew where to aim.

Ironically the golden rule of sniping is one shot = one kill; therefore, they should be killed on the spot.
The Marine Corps stole the slogan from the snipers.:giggle:

Well, a Marine sniper named Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock, he proves that. So, Marine Corps sniper units got stuck with "One Shot, One Kill" and that's their job.
Well, a Marine sniper named Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock, he proves that. So, Marine Corps sniper units got stuck with "One Shot, One Kill" and that's their job.

"One shot . . . one kill" has been hi-jacked by lots of people, including a movie entitled Sniper, a song, and an NCSi episode title.

But Texan Guy is correct that it got its recent attention from the motto by marine snipers in Vietnam, particularly the skill of Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock. My cousin Major Ed Land was Hathcock's commanding officer.

Back on topic, I agree the reporter has lots of courage, but I suspect a stray shot -- or Royal's funny comment about the shooter drinking vodka.

Some trivia on the subject: I've competed against Russian army marksmanship, and their snipers usually hit where they aim.

About "bulletproof vests," I don't know of any available at this date which will stop a military rifle bullet (unless it's spent from extreme long range.

All that current vests will stop are pistol and submachinegun bullets and light scrapnel. Still, I always wore my flak jacket when presenting myself as a target. Better something than nothing.
Well, a Marine sniper named Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock, he proves that. So, Marine Corps sniper units got stuck with "One Shot, One Kill" and that's their job.

Notice that you used the word "sniper"?
Yes, they should. However, in the recent instances where journalists were injured, vests wouldn't have helped. One was shot in the eye, the woman was shot in the arm, and another guy was injured in the ankle.

I believe those snipers knew where to aim.

This reminds me.... I remember a news crew were accidentally bombed by tank... Was it Israeli tank? I forget.

it looks like shrapnel from bullet that hit her, wasn't it?
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