Georgia man shoots mail man for free healthcare


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Oct 28, 2004
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Good idea if scintist ever find a way get hearing back when it becomes reality and the insurance or medicare wont pay ill just shoot george!and then ill recive free hair cell regeneration surgery.
A Georgia man who didn't have healthcare shot his mail man so he would go to prison and get free healthcare. Siriusly. I guess the guy didn't believe in getting a job. I was between jobs in 1980 and had no health care, no nothing. That situation improved as soon as I got a job.
I don't think that's what Hilly had in mind for free healthcare. He must have heard about the inmate on death row who had a heart attack and was given a free pacer before he was executed.

Faced with debt, Ga. man shoots postal worker
Ravensteve......if we had universal healthcare then stuff like this wouldn't happen!!!!!!!!!!!
If george bush didnt make it illegal to by prescriptions from canada THIS wouldnt happen nether. Remember john kerrys political campaign commercial? The showed an old man bragging that george bush wants you pay for prescription drugs in america and this man said so whats the government gonna do? Put me in jail! Let the government pay for my drugs. I think thats why the guy popped his mailman. BLAME JIMMY CARTER WHO SIGNED THAT BILL INTO LAW!!! Making a federal offense if you assault a federal employee.See democrats are not making our world better THEYRE MAKING IT WORSE! And theyre making it tougher for society to live. Like Rasing taxes on the middle class,,Making you pay sales tax,,Taxes on bills telephone bills,Cable bills,Repair bills,Emission testing,Evoinmental fees when you change your oil & tires.And then they say you cant buy prescription drugs from canada. DONT BELIVE EVERYTHING HILLARY SAYS!!! Shes a con artist.Sure shes changed her tune.SHES SLICK WILLY II. You watch she`ll sound like a moderate politican in her campaign and then when the foolish voters fall for her and then she`ll change her tune back into a left wing liberal. So dont belive the democrats.THEYRE NOT FOR YOU!!! Theyre for themselves,women and minorities.
Like Rasing taxes on the middle class,,Making you pay sales tax,,Taxes on bills telephone bills,Cable bills,Repair bills,Emission testing,Evoinmental fees when you change your oil & tires.And then they say you cant buy prescription drugs from canada. DONT BELIVE EVERYTHING HILLARY SAYS!!! Shes a con artist.Sure shes changed her tune.SHES SLICK WILLY II. You watch she`ll sound like a moderate politican in her campaign and then when the foolish voters fall for her and then she`ll change her tune back into a left wing liberal. So dont belive the democrats.THEYRE NOT FOR YOU!!! Theyre for themselves,women and minorities.
Well what's wrong with taxes? How else do you think kids get schooled, roads get repaired, Superfund sites get cleaned up and a lot of other stuff?
They don't want the middle class to carry the tax've bought into the pretense that the republicans care about the working class....BULLSHIT...ALL they care about are rich people!
Actually, we DO support getting prescription drugs from Canada...most of the pharmacutical companies are BIG Republican contribuators....they just want to get richer and richer and richer! Hilary was the person who supported UNIVERSAL health care!!! HELLO!!!! And Hilary is simply trying to appeal to all sorts of folks....she's trying to compromise...At least she's got a brain and can articualte herself well, unlike our current preisdent who is a MORON....and if Repubicans are so good, then how come every single Republican president we've had has been VERY out of touch with what the every day person wants? How come we've had recessions galore, and scandels, such as lying about why we went to war in Iraq, and the Iran Contra scandels with Repupican presidents? The worst thing Slick Willy got accused of was lying about sex with Monica Lewinsky!
Hillarys healthplan WAS A BAD PLAN. Its Socializing medicine. Which means the beaucrats decide what doctor you see and what plan is right for you. And the beaucrats dont even visit the patent. Republicans plan is you decide what doctor you wanna see and you and your doctor both decide the plan for you.

They don't want the middle class to carry the tax've bought into the pretense that the republicans care about the working class....BULLSHIT...ALL they care about are rich people!

Remember bill clinton said in his 92 campaign speech?""" I WILL RAISE TAXES ON PEOPLE MAKING $200.000 and MORE!!""" And you belived his slickness bullshit and elected him...You know what he did when he got in office? He Raise the BTU tax by 10% which makes you pay 10% more on your electric bill and he raised the gas tax 5 cents more for a gallon of gas.Now whos that hurt? IT DOESNT HURT THE WEALTHY!!!! It hurts people like you and me,,,The Little guy.
i am pretty sure in a previous post rs said that he is voting for hillary in 08. Hahah whatever. American health care sucks. We have it pretty damn good here in
jamielee said:
i am pretty sure in a previous post rs said that he is voting for hillary in 08. Hahah whatever. American health care sucks. We have it pretty damn good here in

You live in Canada? Ok, you've sparked my interest with your comments about the health care system there. The common story told in the US is that social health care systems such as those in Canada or England are slow (it takes a long time to get a surgery or whatever) and generally poor quality. But, you living in Canada, could perhaps tell me if you feel this is true or not?
Mr. Ravensteve1931,

Just wait until you get very old in 70s and in senior nurse home. Just let us know how you do by the time in 2040. Please do not forget to write us how many you owe in debt, numerous pills, terrible food, no body else including your grandchild(s) to visit you. Someday you will have old ladies for :bj: ...
ravensteve1961 said:
Hillarys healthplan WAS A BAD PLAN. Its Socializing medicine. Which means the beaucrats decide what doctor you see and what plan is right for you. And the beaucrats dont even visit the patent. Republicans plan is you decide what doctor you wanna see and you and your doctor both decide the plan for you.

Load of rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:

We have social system in Europe. We can choose any doctors whatever we want and also choose any clinic with good reputation, too. Healthy Insurance pays. :) Example about my son´s head surgery last June.

Look what the man did is :crazy: because he has no money to pay medicine debts off... that´s why I beleive Hillary´s suggestion is not bad and support the people´s heathly.
Athena said:
You live in Canada? Ok, you've sparked my interest with your comments about the health care system there. The common story told in the US is that social health care systems such as those in Canada or England are slow (it takes a long time to get a surgery or whatever) and generally poor quality. But, you living in Canada, could perhaps tell me if you feel this is true or not?

Yes for surgery and specialist it does sometimes take a while to get a procedure or top see a specialist, few months sometimes. But to see GP is no problem and we dont have any out of pocket expenses for GP,surgery, hopital time in ER,OR, rooms in the hospital, ambulances ect...Basically you dont leave the hospitally with a big fat bill... We do pay for Rx's unless you have a plan, depending on your income, govnt will pay for most, or job, or can get private plan ... hope i helped..Go Canada
Mr. RavenSteven1961,

Why did your far right wing introduced the bill of Terri Schiavo and President Bush signed it to become the law?

We the people in blue collar can not affort to stay at the hospice care. I would not pay out of my pocket. Let your government pay for my well health in my 90s. That's why I will sell out everything and give money to my children. Then I can sue the government for refusing to take care of because of Terri Schiavo law in 40 years later.

I will probably see you in your hospice care and give you a :booty:
Going Postal over lack of health care is what this is all about.

Hillarys healthplan WAS A BAD PLAN. Its Socializing medicine. Which means the beaucrats decide what doctor you see and what plan is right for you. And the beaucrats dont even visit the patent. Republicans plan is you decide what doctor you wanna see and you and your doctor both decide the plan for you.
The US is the ONLY industrialized country that does not have universal health care! (aka socilized medicene) have NO IDEAR what universal health care even IS! Yes, it's slightly more bureocratic, but not more then HMOs!
Actually, no.....the Republican's plan is that they think that the rich only deserve health care....and they are the ones who are getting rich, rich, rich over pills and stuff....we don't have price controls, so the CEOs of the phamacutal companies get RICH!!!!!!!!!!!
deafdyke said:
The US is the ONLY industrialized country that does not have universal health care! (aka socilized medicene) have NO IDEAR what universal health care even IS! Yes, it's slightly more bureocratic, but not more then HMOs!
Actually, no.....the Republican's plan is that they think that the rich only deserve health care....and they are the ones who are getting rich, rich, rich over pills and stuff....we don't have price controls, so the CEOs of the phamacutal companies get RICH!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree that there are too many problems with the current system as it is. However having said that, it is not clear to me (and others) what the best way to resolve this problem easily. One can rave about other country's socialized system for medicine like Canada, England, France and others. There are issues that are starting to strain those systems. Canada just had a high court decision that has ramifications for their entire medical system and as mentioned earlier if you want some special procedure when it isn't life or death (at least in the opinion of that system) you wait a long time (which also explains that high court decision). England system has so many problems (financing it and the quality of care which is not too good) that it isn't funny and many would prefer "Harley" street (private sector) if they could afford it. France has started down the road with pre-pays as people keep going to the doctor for every little thing. The list goes on... BTW try explaining why lots of Canadians come to the US for various medical situations if it were available up there...

Some of the biggest problems with these systems are 1) high taxes (not always a bad thing) but one way or another you are still paying for it whether our way or their way, 2) no incentive for people to consider the cost of going to the doctor for a sniffle, 3) you don't always get the latest and greatest device to check out what ails you and it may save your life 4) there is rationing of care such as kidney transplants and it is not based just on need but also on factors such as age and your potential for future productivity to society.

Again I repeat, there are too many problems here in the US that need to be addressed when it come to the cost of medical care. Some of these problems are 1) malpractice insurance and malpractice awards - Hey America!...good doctors do mistakes like anybody else and we expect them to be Gods, 2) cost of obtaining a medical degree which frankly is quite outragious and thus necessiating high salaries for doctors to recoup costs, 3) cost of prescriptions which keep going up faster than rate of inflation...part of this is we are probably the most medicated society on earth..., 4) lack of serious oversight of medical boards to get rid of bad or incompetent doctors, 5) ridiculous hospital charges for anything jeez you can go to Walmart and get it for a tenth if not less...just check your itemized list of your last procedure and you will find asprin to be about $8 a pop :shock: to name a few...
deafdyke said:
The US is the ONLY industrialized country that does not have universal health care! (aka socilized medicene) have NO IDEAR what universal health care even IS! Yes, it's slightly more bureocratic, but not more then HMOs!
Actually, no.....the Republican's plan is that they think that the rich only deserve health care....and they are the ones who are getting rich, rich, rich over pills and stuff....we don't have price controls, so the CEOs of the phamacutal companies get RICH!!!!!!!!!!!
And the only way to get rich is to SUE! Sue your doctor if you come out of a bad end after surgery. SUE your doctor if he gave you the wrong meds.SUE your doctor if youre child is born with cerebral palsy.Then you get rich and you can afford better care
ravensteve1961 said:
And the only way to get rich is to SUE! Sue your doctor if you come out of a bad end after surgery. SUE your doctor if he gave you the wrong meds.SUE your doctor if youre child is born with cerebral palsy.Then you get rich and you can afford better care

Dear RavenSteve1961,

Are you willing to forgive the incompetent doctor for killing your beloved member of you family so that you would not sure him/her?

Are you willing to stand by your far right wing in order to block the malpractice lawsuit?
ravensteve1961 said:
And the only way to get rich is to SUE! Sue your doctor if you come out of a bad end after surgery. SUE your doctor if he gave you the wrong meds.SUE your doctor if youre child is born with cerebral palsy.Then you get rich and you can afford better care

You know, with that statement you just made, you are beginning to remind me of "Brain" in "Pinky and the Brain" in those Warner Bros. cartoons. LOL All Brain wanted to do is rave and scream, "I want to rule the world!" :)

You must be sue-happy, Raven. :)


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Nancy said:
You are beginning to remind me of "Brain" in "Pinky and the Brain" in those Warner Bros. cartoons. LOL All Brain wanted to do is rave and scream, "I want to rule the world!" :)You must be sue-happy, Raven. :)

No,,This man raved and screamed and tried to rule the world. :eek:
ravensteve1961 said:
And the only way to get rich is to SUE! Sue your doctor if you come out of a bad end after surgery. SUE your doctor if he gave you the wrong meds.SUE your doctor if youre child is born with cerebral palsy.Then you get rich and you can afford better care

Just so you know CP isn't always cause by doctors ignorance.....CP is caused by many different things.
jamielee said:
Just so you know CP isn't always cause by doctors ignorance.....CP is caused by many different things.
Lawyers dont care,,,Just like Cops dont care...If you make a mistake even you didnt mean to do it,, You`ll pay for it.