Gay Marriage

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Harsh? No, I did not. The Bible teaches that the marriage is for male and female only, NOT same sex.

Not true, the Bible is past, present and future. All the people today are under the Bible. 1) Correct, it is their choice of rebelling against the Bible if they want same sex marriage.

Then why your post is sound a sort of shouting? That was what you made it sound like you put some quotes of the bible on them "harshly"..

"No! Remember the story about Lot in the Bible?

God established the marriage for a man and a woman because they can produce the children. The gay marriage CANNOT produce the children."

Besides, I respectfully disagreed with you: "bible teaches that marriage is for male and female only, NOT the same sex." Because writers can deny homosexual people and made the Bible look like It only accpeted hetersexualy only. YOU NEVER KNOW. I don't trust a kind of Bible as NIV, FTS, etc.. I'd rather to trust old and new KJV. (Hey Liebling, i cant find that very good webstie about bible and homosexality. Can you show PM to me, please? Thanks :ty:)

Also, a lesbian girl can asks a gay boy (or a gay boy asks a lesbain girl) for having a baby as long as both of guys still have their agreement with their relationships. A child will have four parents (2 mommies and 2 daddies). That's not big deal, imo.

If you are aganist same-sex marriage, then *YOU* are against my two fave mommies because they were legally married. If that mommies are not allowed to be married and they WILL NOT have their children together nor they will be happy "forever". Their children may be in care of rotten lives (due to their horribly personals) if it's not for two mommies... Dont you understand? I was shared by their sorrow experiences of hatred anti-gay people killed them, harm them, to take their kids from them, etc etc.. Just too much.. I dont want to see that happen!

Each couple derves a happiness and good life, period. :)
Well, it's look like you dont care about them but what we "must" to do what Bible said so.. =/ :roll:

"Not true, the Bible is past, present and future. All the people today are under the Bible. 1) Correct, it is their choice of rebelling against the Bible if they want same sex marriage."

So should I follow Old testmiantion (whatever it is)?? If so, I will be treated like a crappy shit, because of that old time, many women were so suffering because of enpowered sex-hunrgy men. No thanks. :ugh3: I prefer the New T.. and 10rth Commandianet (sp). But, again, it's YOUR OPINION.

2) The Bible requires us to warn the people. If we do not warn them, God surely requires their blood upon our hands. Sounds good?

We still can warn them sometimes, but not do repeat it all the time. It would be nice if you dont fire me an insult question, thank you.

3) Harm their happiness? No, I did not. They harm themselves already if they choice same sex marriage.

Ok, whatever. I dont know why you dont give a fuck about same-sex marriage. =/ I'm not gonig to agure with you right now..

Love? No, they burned in their lust one toward another; men with men; women with women. Do you know that God gave up with them unto vile affection? If so, do you reject the Bible?

THAT'S YOUR OPINION, I respectfully disagreed about love and lust on homosexal people. End of discussion.

"If so, do you reject the Bible?"

No, I don't. I still studied to understand clearly since Bible is so complex to understand because I want o learn more and more, anyway. That's not mean I reject it, I'd rather to see people to be happy, joy their lives, and go on.

That would be nice if you don't just say to others: "No, remember what Bible said and yadda yadda." comment and shrug off. Gee.. Just whoa.. i can't believe that you was lettured me with your words in my mouth. I was only telling you to not use Bible toward others when some of ADers are not believe in Bible, God, Jesus, etc, because it would get heat up and disagreeable. You knew this, it's not going to help at all or sovle at all.

Besides, I'm not pleasure that you were letturing at me. Just don't do that to me again. Thank you once again.. -sighs in disappointment-

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the Bible preached love and tolerance.
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