FOX NEWS Rumors US Might order military invasion on IRAN

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I know how to close the loophole for draft dodgers who head to canada.Stick undercover FBI agents all over the border if you try sneak in canada they nab you and arrest you.Then you can tell it to the judge!
I know how to close the loophole for draft dodgers who head to canada.Stick undercover FBI agents all over the border if you try sneak in canada they nab you and arrest you.Then you can tell it to the judge!

Er...the FBI has enough on its hands with the post 9/11 world. There are not enough agents around to cover these so called draft dodgers and do all the other stuff they are doing. In any case, I don't think we will be seeing a draft anytime soon... It is political suicide for a politician to even suggest it.
Er...the FBI has enough on its hands with the post 9/11 world. There are not enough agents around to cover these so called draft dodgers and do all the other stuff they are doing. In any case, I don't think we will be seeing a draft anytime soon... It is political suicide for a politician to even suggest it.

It has to be done.It wasnt political suicide when George Washington introduced the draft in the revolutionary war.There arent enough volenteers to to invade IRAN so the draft has to be done.
It has to be done.It wasnt political suicide when George Washington introduced the draft in the revolutionary war.There arent enough volenteers to to invade IRAN so the draft has to be done.

Different time and place. The draft has come and gone. Vietnam was the main reason that it died. The military realized that having grunts come and go without a good sense of how to do their jobs was counterproductive. Hence, the burial of the draft. They preferred those who wanted to be in the military and were willing to learn. I can tell you that most people forced into the military via a draft aren't the best of learners... Were did you think the term "Fragging" got so popular? In case you are not aware, "Fragging" referred to the act of trying to get your commanders killed because you or a bunch of you grunts thought he was an idiot. This probably always been around over the centuries but it really came out in Vietnam.

War is serious business and you need warriors who understand that...not flybynight operators who just want out after doing their one or two year stint.
Look at Isreal.Those Kids dont have a choice.When you turn 18 in israel you go straght to the army for 4 years when you come out after 4 years then you can attend college or look for a job in israel. Thats the system i like to see them install in america.
Look at Isreal.Those Kids dont have a choice.When you turn 18 in israel you go straght to the army for 4 years when you come out after 4 years then you can attend college or look for a job in israel. Thats the system i like to see them install in america.

There is a world of difference with Israel and the US. First of all, Israel is surrounding by raving lunatics that want to wipe it off the map. We have a decent neighbor to the north and an uncertain neighbor to the south who can't get its act together. Combine that with uncontrolled illegal immigration and you have a recipe for disaster but nothing like what Israel is facing.

Because of the situation in Israel and their small population about six million or so (compared to 300 million here), they must have a draft to survive. Most if not all Israelis are quite aware of the situation and accept the idea of a universal draft. It is not only men but it includes women.

Here in the US given its population and wealth plus our location, we can afford to be somewhat lenient in matters of defense. We do have the best Air Force, Navy and ground troops (Army and Marines) which are second to none at this point in time.
So China has a half a billion living in their country and the draft 18 year old men into their military and they also draft teenagers too. Russia did the Samething under the old USSR.Here in America we have freedom and Democracy.If you wanna live in a free capitolist society you serve america under liberty!!
The arabic terrorists will make the military draft happen, even if they did not want that to happen. The U.S. will really be a woken up sleeping giant once the U.S. Military brings back the conscripted military draft and we will go after the arabic terrorists for what happened on Sept. 11th and the ongoing incidients that are happening right now. We will go after 'em. The arabs can run but they can't hide. They will only run tired and the U.S. Military will put the arabic terrorists in body bags. :rifle:

Also this will be very good news for the Deaf community because it is very hard enough trying to find a job and once the military draft starts up then we will be able to work in the war factories and bring home a work paycheck which will be great !!!!! Of course, I would prefer that there be no war and that we are still living in peacetime America that the labor market is very good and it would be very easy to get a job with no need to have jobs in wartime but unfortunately jobs usually become much easier to get once there is a war going on. This is true in another countries. Anytime a war happens a country all of a sudden, has alots of jobs. I wish it was the opposite but that is how it works and of course, I pray and hope for a quick end to the war and our U.S. troops come home victorious.
Also this will be very good news for the Deaf community because it is very hard enough trying to find a job and once the military draft starts up then we will be able to work in the war factories and bring home a work paycheck which will be great !!!!!.

ILL BE THE FIRST DEAF Minor league BASEBALL PLAYER since all the real ballplayers will be over to the middle east.Ill Be Playing for the bowie baysox Class AA Of the Baltimore Orioles
SR171Soars, I completely agree with your posts. The FBI posts is 100% correct. Without getting into specifics, I can tell you with complete knowledge that they have thier hands full , in fact overflowing at this very moment.
When military action is required in Iran, it will be air strikes. hopefully we will be able to accomplish a signifigant setback to the nuke programs in Iran without putting boots on the ground. I have heard from several sources that the nuke sites in Iran are intentionally placed near densly populated areas, which would make air strikes hard, but still feesable. If we get troops on the ground, it will get nasty. I say we start with P.R leaflettes being dropped near the targets saying we will bomb in 2 days. This will allow civilians enough time to leave. Then start dropping a bunch of MOAB bombs on the targets. After we hit the nuke targets, ask the Iranian pres if he wants to abide by the rules set forth, or keep playing games. I think I know the answer.
The US is like the Soviet Union in a way.Remember when Hitler attacked russia in 1942? When WWII Was over Stallin ordered the Red Army to take 1/3 of eastern europe to Punish the eurpeans for allowing hitler to invade russia.So when the arabs attacked NYC on 9/11 We have taken Afgainstain,IRAQ and IRAN next?

Paranoid much?
Why do you keep giving our government so much "credit"?
I'm not justifying the war in Iraq (I think it's a briar patch that we shouldn't have gotten into) but how can W both be so dumb and be a conspiring arse at the same time?:eek3:
Warning:Logic failure.
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