For Miss P.... Should I Date My Male Friends?

Miss*Pinocchio said:
I'm already starting to isolated.

I told my mom I don't need the car keys anymore.
I didn't go to my Aunt's birthday party, my Uncle's birthday party,
go socialize with family, I didn't get up and speak to guests who
came over my mom's house, I just stay in my room until they leave,

And while I was working at AbilityWork, the people there
said I need to make friends, need to socialize more...
And I told them no thanks. I won;t give them my phone number
or anything. I just work there to get some money to pay my lawyer.
I don't want jobs right now or anything...

I shaved my head, I am baldheaded, because I don't
care about how I look.

Is this you ?
Did you shave your pubic too?
coloravalanche said:
I like your quotes...yes, in my own opinion, you should date male friends...there is nothing wrong with it...go for it! :D

That is not my quote. I got this article from the Boston Globe newspaper. I want to share the article with Miss P... She tends to talking negative about her life. I realized, that article does not help to think about how to make friend with males. :dunno: It doesn't work.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I can't believe it, my own flesh and blood family members treated me like that.

I thought they knew me... since I was a baby in diaper.

But I guess not.

They don't understand me, wow.

I could understand why people out there in the world don't understand me
but geez...

my own family don't understand me... Even my mom.

They think I am incompetent. They knew that I have 2 college degrees,
but still they think I am retarded or something.

yea cuz you ACT LIKE ONE... NO OFFENSE...
:roll:... it seems that you always change stories, your ideas, and so forth... so i can understand why they are thinking that way... if you would STOP BEING SO PESSIMISTIC, ACT NORMAL AND BE YOUR OWN PERSON.... then everyone including your family will TREAT WITH YOU WITH RESPECT, ETC... THIS IS MY 2 CENTS... :D
so you got what you wanted (what goes around... comes back to you!) SO WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING??? :roll: like ella said.. YOU ARE CONTRADICTING YOURSELF ... and it is a NASTY HABIT OF YOURS ... SHEESH :zzz:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I don't have a family. They ain't my family anymore. They treat me
like I am retarded. They won't let me get involve in helping putting up Family Reunion.
I told my mom, there is nothing wrong with my brain.

I feel like Christy, the deaf girl in the tv show, "Survivor"... they
won't let her involve in group... she always feel left out.

So forget it... it isn't worth talking to anybody... if they feel that way
about me. They don't care about my feelings.

Since they ignored me, I'll ignored them.

And anyway... I feel that nobody is giving me any opportunity
to do things I always want to do. It seems people locking their doors.
I feel discriminated. Then they offered me a job or something I don't

How would you feel if somebody give you something less, just because
they think you won't handle something more.

It is just like when they give Blacks, a maid job, servant job, whatever
job that isn't better.... and also a mule and a few acres.
Still I think Blacks aren't getting what they want nowadays....

I think I deserve better than that...

So I decided to just stay at home... do nothing.....
USA is for white, able bodied people.

lol...white, able bodied people?

you think white people are far better than black people? well, obviously Miss P...thats where ur dead wrong. if USA is only for white people, then you never heard of secretary of state Rice as the first black woman in congress, as well as Powell was the first black secretary of state who is currently retired. Will Smith is one of the most popular black actors and even "French Prince of Bel Air" was one of the most watched shows and been on air for more than 10 years and on. He have appear in almost every summer's action packed thriller since "Independence Day." Halle Berry was one of the most paid actresses than other black actresses ever were. (ah how I love her thee?) as for Denzel Washington was one of the most paid black actors along with Will Smith and Jammie Foxx and afew others. Bill Cobsy was one of the first black people to have their own television series in the early 1980s. Ray Charles sold most of his music in public than any other black musicans ever had in the late 1940s to mid 1950s, and is still popular today, even though he's dead. Ali was one of the most feared and respected boxers in sports history. Even though today alot of blacks are still struggling with money and house and jobs and all, but blacks are NOT the only ones suffering with those kind of situations. even asians and hispanics, and even WHITES, do have some problems as well cause we aren't all "rich, powerful, and perfect".

look at me...I own a 12 year old truck, I live in an apartment with my mom, I work at Kohls, and I don't have many friends though I hang out with my brother and some friends from high school mostly on weekends. life is tough, but at least I'm doing something to make my life better later on. I don't sit on the cpu all day whining about how you get treated and how hard life is and thinkin that SSI and food stamps would be so easy for you cause you won't get those forever. They will force you to find a job one day. mark my words on that.

If Martin Luther King Jr. never existed, none of those people will ever get anything like that in life EVER! so you should thank him for that!
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I have no male friends. I don't have friends now. I don't even
own a phone and address book. I have no friends to go out
to movies with. So I don't know what it likes to have male
friends, and to have them introduce to me to their family.

I'm a 34-year-old single woman who is not active in my community, isn't interested in lots of things, don't care for people, but I am ambitious about my life and career. I have never been married, and I don't surround myself with the types of people I enjoy being with as much as possible. I am pushing away men because I feel they all want one night stand. I feel better being alone.

I never have close male friends who spend a great deal of time with me.
It would be nice to have male friends and meet each other's families.
I have no experience to have male friend.

Lol! !
That mean, WE are not your friends ?That what ya saying ? ?

Honey, Get a life ! and do something for fun before u die in someday..... :shock:

If u dont.. then NOT OUR PROBLEM I mean.. NOT OUR OUR! ! I suggust u to talk your own wall in ur bedroom...

One number, We dont need that crap this thread..
Here we want is good thread not "complain"

Just please understand about this ""
I popped my mind that other thing.. is NO ONE PERFECT on the earth..

dont forget that too ! !

So, U have to accpet the facts in the world.. Welcome to real world.. We all have to face thru problems.....Cant hide from them.... :shock:
Steel said:
lol...white, able bodied people?

you think white people are far better than black people? well, obviously Miss P...thats where ur dead wrong. if USA is only for white people, then you never heard of secretary of state Rice as the first black woman in congress, as well as Powell was the first black secretary of state who is currently retired. Will Smith is one of the most popular black actors and even "French Prince of Bel Air" was one of the most watched shows and been on air for more than 10 years and on. He have appear in almost every summer's action packed thriller since "Independence Day." Halle Berry was one of the most paid actresses than other black actresses ever were. (ah how I love her thee?) as for Denzel Washington was one of the most paid black actors along with Will Smith and Jammie Foxx and afew others. Bill Cobsy was one of the first black people to have their own television series in the early 1980s. Ray Charles sold most of his music in public than any other black musicans ever had in the late 1940s to mid 1950s, and is still popular today, even though he's dead. Ali was one of the most feared and respected boxers in sports history. Even though today alot of blacks are still struggling with money and house and jobs and all, but blacks are NOT the only ones suffering with those kind of situations. even asians and hispanics, and even WHITES, do have some problems as well cause we aren't all "rich, powerful, and perfect".

look at me...I own a 12 year old truck, I live in an apartment with my mom, I work at Kohls, and I don't have many friends though I hang out with my brother and some friends from high school mostly on weekends. life is tough, but at least I'm doing something to make my life better later on. I don't sit on the cpu all day whining about how you get treated and how hard life is and thinkin that SSI and food stamps would be so easy for you cause you won't get those forever. They will force you to find a job one day. mark my words on that.

If Martin Luther King Jr. never existed, none of those people will ever get anything like that in life EVER! so you should thank him for that!

couldn't of said it better
ella said:
couldn't of said it better


I do have male friends, and my best friends are my boyfriend and "dad", who makes me happy in my life. Why do you have to talk shit about females who have male friends.. What is wrong with you?? You need to get a serious help! It is good to have friends of opposite sex, and same gender. If same gender, it get too boring. My 16 years old brother have lots of female friends, what is wrong with that?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I'm already starting to isolated.

I told my mom I don't need the car keys anymore.
I didn't go to my Aunt's birthday party, my Uncle's birthday party,
go socialize with family, I didn't get up and speak to guests who
came over my mom's house, I just stay in my room until they leave,

And while I was working at AbilityWork, the people there
said I need to make friends, need to socialize more...
And I told them no thanks. I won;t give them my phone number
or anything. I just work there to get some money to pay my lawyer.
I don't want jobs right now or anything...

I shaved my head, I am baldheaded, because I don't
care about how I look.

huh what matter with ya sheesh

i socialize with my family and my friend to keep my life busy and full
you don't have life cuz you don't socialize your family or your co worker or your friends too bad
i think shes looking for attention .. i dunno.. a pity seeker.. sighs.. i think thats pathetic.. sighs..
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I don't have a family. They ain't my family anymore. They treat me
like I am retarded. They won't let me get involve in helping putting up Family Reunion.
I told my mom, there is nothing wrong with my brain.

I feel like Christy, the deaf girl in the tv show, "Survivor"... they
won't let her involve in group... she always feel left out.

So forget it... it isn't worth talking to anybody... if they feel that way
about me. They don't care about my feelings.

Since they ignored me, I'll ignored them.

And anyway... I feel that nobody is giving me any opportunity
to do things I always want to do. It seems people locking their doors.
I feel discriminated. Then they offered me a job or something I don't

How would you feel if somebody give you something less, just because
they think you won't handle something more.

It is just like when they give Blacks, a maid job, servant job, whatever
job that isn't better.... and also a mule and a few acres.
Still I think Blacks aren't getting what they want nowadays....

I think I deserve better than that...

So I decided to just stay at home... do nothing.....
USA is for white, able bodied people.
After reading all your postings, you seem to be strong-willed person (there .. I finally said something nice about you).. it made me wonder what you are like at home with your family.. Do you speak up for yourself at home like what you have been doing in here ( Are you are a submissive person who bow down to everything what your family tell you what to do or tell you what to think? But I find it odd that you don't show that when you are here.. If you practice what you have been doing in here with your family or in the community, you will be heard! Speak for yourself! Tell them what you want from them and be heard! 2 degrees? come on, girl! you can do better with your life. Enough with your sob stories!! :cry:
I don't say anything, they noticed my attitude.
Most of my family members stay away from me...

Because they know I am mad. :pissed:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I don't say anything, they noticed my attitude.
Most of my family members stay away from me...
Because they know I am mad. :pissed:
Is that best thing you can say? :ugh:
EyesBlueDeaf said:
Is that best thing you can say? :ugh:

Remember, I live with my mom, if I say anything bad or mean to the guests, my mom will put me out.

So it is safe to say nothing. :Ohno:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I don't have a family. They ain't my family anymore. They treat me
like I am retarded. They won't let me get involve in helping putting up Family Reunion.
I told my mom, there is nothing wrong with my brain.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Remember, I live with my mom, if I say anything bad or mean to the guests, my mom will put me out.
So it is safe to say nothing. :Ohno:
You keep on griping about how your family treated you, dont ya think it s time for you to move out on your own?
I am sorry to tell you what I think of you. Miss P, I would assume that you are sort of a victim or spoiled healthy woman. You need to get off your mind and act that you are such a good woman. Remember a TV show, Oprah was ugly and fat. Now, she is billionaire! She had to act herself to get a better life. I believe that she does not have a boyfriend. She had one a short time, but they are just friend since then. Although, it is not necessary for you to be a perfectionist. How about if you set up your plan at a library, and read a book outloud (sign language) to deaf children? The kids would love to hear your story from the book. Or, volunteering at a small deaf theater, etc... Helping some elders' needs such as a ride to their doctor's appointments. Perhaps, the best part is to go to a social dancing club at a church or community center every Friday or Saturday nights like Spanish tabbing dancing... (Forget about a wedding party.) I am not saying that you should get your own place to live. You just need to get out and get some fresh air. Everybody in our age have a short life.
" Life is waiting for you ,its all messed up , but we're alive
Life is waiting for you , its all messed up, but we'll survive"- our lady peace

Maybe something to ponder miss p :dunno: