For Miss P.... Should I Date My Male Friends?


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May 20, 2003
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I'm a 35-year-old single woman who is active in my community, is interested in lots of things, loves people, and is ambitious about my life. I have never been married, and surround myself with the types of people I enjoy being with as much as possible. My life is filled with wonderful men who never take that step away from "close friends" to move to dating, even though the relationships 'look' like we are dating based on the amount of time we spend together. I continue to enjoy these relationships, but find myself frustrated and wonder about ""what if?" What do I do with this? Why does this happen?

You've asked several important and related questions. At the heart of your letter seems to be a nagging feeling of confusion about the male relationships in your life. I want to applaud your efforts to reach out and understand these friends and what they mean to your life.

You mention several close male friends who spend a great deal of time with you, and I believe relationships like this are extremely important, especially when you are single. A friendship network should contain several members of the opposite gender who are capable of providing honest and heartfelt support. But these relationships can often get confusing. After all, you spend a great deal of time together. You get along well and share common interests. You usually begin to share friends and even meet each other's families. Isn't that what happens with a loving romantic couple? Isn't that the sort of relationship every one dreams of enjoying?

So, many times, friends who are enjoying the situation I've just described look at each other and say, "Why aren't we having a romance? Shouldn't we try?" It has been my experience that almost every friendly couple who explores a romance comes to the conclusion that it won't work. The spark that is necessary to drive a life-long romance just doesn't appear to exist between them.

Because of the strong public stand I've taken against relationships that are based solely on physical attraction, many people think that I completely discount physical chemistry as a key component in a successful relationship. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I believe that a relationship MUST have a certain degree of passion. The attraction you feel for your partner is part of the energy that makes you willing to work through much of your relationship's early friction.
I have no male friends. I don't have friends now. I don't even
own a phone and address book. I have no friends to go out
to movies with. So I don't know what it likes to have male
friends, and to have them introduce to me to their family.

I'm a 34-year-old single woman who is not active in my community, isn't interested in lots of things, don't care for people, but I am ambitious about my life and career. I have never been married, and I don't surround myself with the types of people I enjoy being with as much as possible. I am pushing away men because I feel they all want one night stand. I feel better being alone.

I never have close male friends who spend a great deal of time with me.
It would be nice to have male friends and meet each other's families.
I have no experience to have male friend.
i have few male friends i hang out with them
nothing wrong to date them i don't see anything against the law to date
male friends
there is nothing wrong with being witth male friends! Ms. p, you need friends and get life.
no, I gonna wait til my lawyer do what he has to do for me.
if success, then I will learn to make friends and keep friends and have a life.

if no success, then I will isolate myself and stay at home with no life.
Lawyer? What in the world are you talking about?

Yes you can have a life and go make friends. If you dont, you will be alone for the rest of your life. If that is what you want, go ahead but dont come crying to us if you just decided that you dont want to be alone. Only you say it, it stays that way.
I'm already starting to isolated.

I told my mom I don't need the car keys anymore.
I didn't go to my Aunt's birthday party, my Uncle's birthday party,
go socialize with family, I didn't get up and speak to guests who
came over my mom's house, I just stay in my room until they leave,

And while I was working at AbilityWork, the people there
said I need to make friends, need to socialize more...
And I told them no thanks. I won;t give them my phone number
or anything. I just work there to get some money to pay my lawyer.
I don't want jobs right now or anything...

I shaved my head, I am baldheaded, because I don't
care about how I look.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I'm already starting to isolated.

I told my mom I don't need the car keys anymore.
I didn't go to my Aunt's birthday party, my Uncle's birthday party,
go socialize with family, I didn't get up and speak to guests who
came over my mom's house, I just stay in my room until they leave,

And while I was working at AbilityWork, the people there
said I need to make friends, need to socialize more...
And I told them no thanks. I won;t give them my phone number
or anything. I just work there to get some money to pay my lawyer.
I don't want jobs right now or anything...

I shaved my head, I am baldheaded, because I don't
care about how I look.

:wtf: :ugh: okay................
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I'm already starting to isolated.

I told my mom I don't need the car keys anymore.
I didn't go to my Aunt's birthday party, my Uncle's birthday party,
go socialize with family, I didn't get up and speak to guests who
came over my mom's house, I just stay in my room until they leave,

And while I was working at AbilityWork, the people there
said I need to make friends, need to socialize more...
And I told them no thanks. I won;t give them my phone number
or anything. I just work there to get some money to pay my lawyer.
I don't want jobs right now or anything...

I shaved my head, I am baldheaded, because I don't
care about how I look.

That is really sad to hear this about yourself, Miss shouldn't feel sorry for yourself. You are special in God's eyes and you haven't found the right group to be friends with in your community....since you dont care about people...that's pretty selfish thing to hear...
Sabrina said:
I'm a 35-year-old single woman who is active in my community, is interested in lots of things, loves people, and is ambitious about my life. I have never been married, and surround myself with the types of people I enjoy being with as much as possible. My life is filled with wonderful men who never take that step away from "close friends" to move to dating, even though the relationships 'look' like we are dating based on the amount of time we spend together. I continue to enjoy these relationships, but find myself frustrated and wonder about ""what if?" What do I do with this? Why does this happen?

You've asked several important and related questions. At the heart of your letter seems to be a nagging feeling of confusion about the male relationships in your life. I want to applaud your efforts to reach out and understand these friends and what they mean to your life.

You mention several close male friends who spend a great deal of time with you, and I believe relationships like this are extremely important, especially when you are single. A friendship network should contain several members of the opposite gender who are capable of providing honest and heartfelt support. But these relationships can often get confusing. After all, you spend a great deal of time together. You get along well and share common interests. You usually begin to share friends and even meet each other's families. Isn't that what happens with a loving romantic couple? Isn't that the sort of relationship every one dreams of enjoying?

So, many times, friends who are enjoying the situation I've just described look at each other and say, "Why aren't we having a romance? Shouldn't we try?" It has been my experience that almost every friendly couple who explores a romance comes to the conclusion that it won't work. The spark that is necessary to drive a life-long romance just doesn't appear to exist between them.

Because of the strong public stand I've taken against relationships that are based solely on physical attraction, many people think that I completely discount physical chemistry as a key component in a successful relationship. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I believe that a relationship MUST have a certain degree of passion. The attraction you feel for your partner is part of the energy that makes you willing to work through much of your relationship's early friction.

I like your quotes...yes, in my own opinion, you should date male friends...there is nothing wrong with it...go for it! :D
coloravalanche said:
That is really sad to hear this about yourself, Miss shouldn't feel sorry for yourself. You are special in God's eyes and you haven't found the right group to be friends with in your community....since you dont care about people...that's pretty selfish thing to hear...

I don't feel sorry for myself.

After I pay off my lawyer to do something for me...

1. I will take care of puppy
2. Go to sleep anytime I want :zzz:
3. Keep my head shaved
4. Live on SSI and foodstamp :popcorn:
5. Be a hermit
6. Won't speak to anybody
7. Say my prayer every night :angel:
8. Watch some tv
9. Be on the internet, chatting
10. Learn Astrology and learn how to cook for myself.
:ugh: yes indeed, u are :crazy: maybe u need to go in for counseling? sighs..
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I don't feel sorry for myself.

After I pay off my lawyer to do something for me...

1. I will take care of puppy
2. Go to sleep anytime I want :zzz:
3. Keep my head shaved
4. Live on SSI and foodstamp :popcorn:
5. Be a hermit
6. Won't speak to anybody
7. Say my prayer every night :angel:
8. Watch some tv
9. Be on the internet, chatting
10. Learn Astrology and learn how to cook for myself.

God wouldn't want you to isolate yourself, and you obviously believe in God if you pray to him. having no friends gets you nowhere .. God would want you to have friends. without them and family who are you going to go to for support, love , and feedback on problems you're dealing with because God speaks to everyone and he could be using someone to speak to you. You should get some thearpy or maybe join a singles group at a church where you meet others. I'm sorry you're not thankful for your family some people have it much worse some people don't even have any family and or a family who could careless about them. Life is short don't waste it isolating yourself in your room. Having friends and caring family makes your life so much happier.
ella said:
God wouldn't want you to isolate yourself, and you obviously believe in God if you pray to him. having no friends gets you nowhere .. God would want you to have friends. without them and family who are you going to go to for support, love , and feedback on problems you're dealing with because God speaks to everyone and he could be using someone to speak to you. You should get some thearpy or maybe join a singles group at a church where you meet others. I'm sorry you're not thankful for your family some people have it much worse some people don't even have any family and or a family who could careless about them. Life is short don't waste it isolating yourself in your room. Having friends and caring family makes your life so much happier.

I don't have a family. They ain't my family anymore. They treat me
like I am retarded. They won't let me get involve in helping putting up Family Reunion.
I told my mom, there is nothing wrong with my brain.

I feel like Christy, the deaf girl in the tv show, "Survivor"... they
won't let her involve in group... she always feel left out.

So forget it... it isn't worth talking to anybody... if they feel that way
about me. They don't care about my feelings.

Since they ignored me, I'll ignored them.

And anyway... I feel that nobody is giving me any opportunity
to do things I always want to do. It seems people locking their doors.
I feel discriminated. Then they offered me a job or something I don't

How would you feel if somebody give you something less, just because
they think you won't handle something more.

It is just like when they give Blacks, a maid job, servant job, whatever
job that isn't better.... and also a mule and a few acres.
Still I think Blacks aren't getting what they want nowadays....

I think I deserve better than that...

So I decided to just stay at home... do nothing.....
USA is for white, able bodied people.
I can't believe it, my own flesh and blood family members treated me like that.

I thought they knew me... since I was a baby in diaper.

But I guess not.

They don't understand me, wow.

I could understand why people out there in the world don't understand me
but geez...

my own family don't understand me... Even my mom.

They think I am incompetent. They knew that I have 2 college degrees,
but still they think I am retarded or something.
thw usa isn't just for whites and i think you're contradicting yourself.