Flu shots

I would never consirder the shot again

I got the flu shot in 2001 and got Gullain Barre syndrome from it It paralazied me fromt he neck down and put me on a vent for 3 weeks almost ended up trached permently I almost died Now I can't have the flu shot ever again because I can get it again it took me three years to recover a year and a half later I got the use of my arms back and 8 months after that I was barely walking I spent three years in a wheel chair and had excuriating pain fromthe time I came off the vent I would never reccommend the flu shot for anybody and they say the flu shot doesn't cause the syndrome but it does there are very few ways of contracting the syndrome and the flu shot was the only way I was exposed I lost three years of my life due to the fact that I listened to a doctor who said bevcause I have asthma I should have the flu shot Due you realize what the flu shot is .... It the nexts ten years of flus they think are going to break out and they inject everyone into your system to devolpe antibodies to it only sometimes and you never know it goes wrong it wasn't my first shot but it was defintally the last for the rest of my life Some people have died getting the shot because you can still come down with the flu after getting the shot It's not a 100% it is it is a money making scheme and a dangerous one at that did you know for every prescription drug a doctor writes he gets a kick back( money in his pocket) to due something like a little vaction to the tropics So think of this the next time your doctor or event hose of you who are seeing pyche docs that they get money every time they write a prescription and that may be the only reasont hey are doing it some docs are like that had a few in my life this doesn't apply to antibiotics that are saving lives and are nessecery drugs and it is a fact that some people cou8ldn't live with out certian drugs i know this for a fact but when I doctor says less try this ask questions to why you really need it and try to stay off it all drugs go to your liver first then get filtered through the body if your on am lot of meds my question to you is hows your liver ?

Actually, the flu shot contains mercury and two other types of liquids in it. I think one of them is a clear ink chemical. What a werido! These chemicals put your immunize system down in order your body to boost up the immunize system - like it alerts your system to pay attention at once. Some reports that affect children being autism - especially pregnant mothers that affect their baby. I think that the flu interrupt some of the baby's system or somehow blocks some nutrients in baby's blood (?).

A few nurses know about it. For instance, a vaccine contains two or three chemicals in one shot that makes the person "tired" for a few days because they are too strong... The shot is supposed to be separated in three shots in once a week so that it would not make the person tired or a possible of the allergy reaction. Many nurses don't read the label on the shot, and their job is to deliver the shots to the doctors for the patients. Actually, it is too complicated for the nurses to understand/read the paper about the "flu chemical" formula. Most doctors prefer to save their time just give them the shot at once. I am not sure if this is similiar to the flu shot. But, just to give you the idea what is all about. I learned it from a health conference.
Yeah I got my flu shot a couple weeks ago. That's something I have to have because in Aug. '97 I was in a severe car accident that reptured my spleen & don't have that extra fight for flus. Bad thing is about the shot though. It says once you have it you'll get sick one time & then not get sick for the rest of the winter. (Not always so though) But I really don't want to get sick that 1st time though. :ugh3:
Still I havent got flu shot and also I just started cough last sat till now dang I got caught cough dang hehehe :)
Do your research I know what I'm talking about

You think I'm a weirdo ??? TRy this did you know that the flu shots vacs are created out of chicken eggs in the ameotic fluid The infect a fresh egg with the flu and then before the egg is hatched some weeks later they break it open and harvest the fluid and then take it to a lab and collect the antibodies that are produced int he protien of the ameotic fluid that is what the flu shot is so your still getting part of the flu injected into you what you are talking about is an immune booster that is made up of chemicals to increase your immunity to the flu I know what I'm talking about you think I would have not researched all this when I came down with the syndrome I researched everything and the immune booster does not give you the syndrome I had Why do you think there is a shortage on flu shots every year because it takes so much time and energy to create it in the egg you have to wait for the chicken to mature to a certian stage before harvesting it and once they break open the egg thats bye bye to the chickens life I have had many doctors tell me this and I have done my research if it were a chemical do you think it would be so hard to come by you get more then one flu injected into you when you get the flu shot because there are more then one flu going around in the world If they were giving out the immune booster don't you think they give it to everybody and not just young children and the elderly when theres a shortage Do your research a little better because due to the fact that I came down with a life threatening illness I've done mine and with more then one doctor and many people who specialize in the creation of flu shots
I had a flu shot in June just before our winter. Few weeks later, I had a flu and as soon it got cleared up, I got another one. I was mad cos I already had a flu shot and I thought I got ripped off.
Until one day I ask my mother why am I still getting the flu after I had a flu shot? She said that the flu shot does not cover all strains of flu and that there are many strains of flu around. The flu shot I had could be a protection against the deadly flu strains cos the doctors was asking that all the old people, people with heart condition, weak immune system and sick children to have the flu shot as a protection. I thought it is to stop me from getting all type of flu full stop. She could be right that it doesn't neccessary stop you getting the flu but some strains of flu.
I used to take the flu shots before with my children, but lately I haven't done that , because it does make my oldest sick... :dunno:
I had to take it bec I have verrrry weak immune system. I easily catch the colds from ppl.
Remmied I got flu shot on late nov 1997. Then one week later, I got sick pretty quickly. So I decided to not take flu shot for years till this year. Got flu shot around near end of Oct. 2006. Seem I feel fine and not get any sick yet. *Knock the wood*

Think best time for take flu shots around Oct/Nov before "High Peak" begin.
I am gonna get mine and my son is also get one this Thursday! He is NOT THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!! HE hates SHOTS! Poor my kid! So I gotta get something to give him a reward afterward. :)
i dont take flu shots anymore -- hadnt had them in years -- i generally forego them letting other ppl who needs it more have my shot -- if i get the flu i just suffer and get thru with it :dunno:

im dealing with colds and coughing right now :o
Was going to get a flu shot today but there were no nurses available and they told me that they will have nurses tmw so I am going back there to get my shot and get it over with! I hate needles but I have to live with it because of shots, IV and taking my bloodworks during my pregnancy. Tmw, I am getting a flu shot-I have to because of my being pregnancy. I CANNOT TAKE RISKS TO GET SICK FROM ANYONE!