floppy disk

Hate floppy, love my jump drive!
I recall in early days when Microsoft released Windows 95 into market. I was there to buy the shrinkwrapped box containing 30 or something disks. Loading disks was a pain in the arse for me. Never ever again!

Now CD makes a lot more easier for us installing programs.
Hate floppy, love my jump drive!

Flash drive space is much bigger than floppy. Why do you must keep antique floppy disk drive and wussy 1.44mb??. Throw that out and use USB flash drive or Boot with Bart's Boot cd. I use either one. If any system are 2 to 4 years old or newer, it should be able to boot from flashdrive(configured boot selection as USB HD or USB Floppy and turn on Legency USB in BIOS). All old systems older than that would be able to boot with Bart's Boot CD. I flashed update BIOS on old Dell Latitude CSxH 500mhz laptop using Boot CD w/BIOS flasher and BIOS update for Dell. It worked very well.

I have box full of floppies and it's of very little use. It's about to go to dump very soon! 1.44 mb space in floppy are measly to today's system. They stopped using Floppy drive 4 years ago. So what's the big deal!:rifle:

Good Luck!
the highlander,

thanks for beautiful pix of randish..

i spelled wrong name. it supposed to be ranish.

check this - Ranish Partition Manager. Hard Disk Partitioning Software. Download freeware tools and source code...

it is old but it used to be one of the most powerful tool. :)

I agree w/ you 100%. I've used that all the time. Better than M$'s Fdisk. I DO still use M$ Fdisk to restore Master Boot Record (Fdisk/mbr) from Linux LILO or Grub boot record. Now using Bart's Boot CD with Ranish! It's my fav boot CD now.:bowdown:
