FIRST snow of the season in Seattle!!!!!!

yeah first snow in seattle, about 3 to 4 hours from my home in vancouver. I will see if there will be snowing here soon. I know there's already snow in longview just about 40 mins drive from here.
Here's the video clip frame, I cut out one of the frame to show you the snow in Seattle that happened today.

It hasn't snowed here yet in Kentucky but I was told that there are chances we would get snow coming in our way on this saturday. According to the forecast, it says we'd get 50% chance of the snow. Brrr, talk about how cold it has became here lately.
OldNavyGirl said:
yea yea so sean ur son and i can throw you some snowballs fights
that's nothing :P i can just wait for more snow.. and bring my ATV outside.. and accelerate.. and let the tires do the job throwing snow on you :P
sequoias said:
Here's the video clip frame, I cut out one of the frame to show you the snow in Seattle that happened today.

ohhh love to see view snow!!! hehehe!! thanks seq! :dance2: