feeling nervous but excited


New Member
Sep 5, 2014
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Helllo, my name is Amanda. nice to meet you

I sure hope I am doing this right. I haven't used HTML in a very long time. Heh. First of all, I am not deaf but I am learning ASL & I joined to feel a sense of a communtiy and to be surrounded by helpful and understanding people. I have purchased ASL flashcards, and I am looking into ordering some ASL DVDs. I am 24 years old and I chose to learn ASL after watching the show: Switched at Birth. I have always wanted to learn another language but was never really excited until I stumbled across ASL. I watched Switched at Birth by mistake, and I was hooked!! I knew I wanted to become a interpreter so I have been learning the basics. I really wanted to join for motivation because ASL is a bit hard to grasp on my own. I was hoping this site would be helpful. I am also wanting to teach my children, they're 1 & 5. I hope it's okay that I joined. Any helpful advice would be great. Thank you​
I did not know you made another introduction thread here. Okay, now I understand that you are not deaf. You are hearing. That is helpful so that we get to know you. One introduction thread is enough to announce yourself as a newcomer.

Just have fun and enjoy browsing around the Forum. :wave: