Faster than speed of light???!

I guess they don't sell sarcasm detectors in the UK. :giggle:

Looks like you're oblivious the fact that sarcasm doesn't work very well across the internet.


@Jiro and Secretblend:

Not "wrong" as "definitely wrong", but as "possibly wrong".

By my definition, re-thinking and re-tweaking of theory means it was wrong in first place. Hence why it's called wrong in first place.

Only few people fully understand Theory of relativity? I know many people that understand it fully, and I do understand it, but not fully.
Looks like you're oblivious the fact that sarcasm doesn't work very well across the internet.


@Jiro and Secretblend:

Not "wrong" as "definitely wrong", but as "possibly wrong".

By my definition, re-thinking and re-tweaking of theory means it was wrong in first place. Hence why it's called wrong in first place.

Only few people fully understand Theory of relativity? I know many people that understand it fully, and I do understand it, but not fully.
trust me - many people and you understood only 0.001% of Theory of Relativity. If many people understand it fully.... then can they explain it in mathematic and quantum mechanic sense? and have IQ near 160 range?

Einstein made a quiz and 98% of people can't answer it :lol:
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Well there are still a lot of unanswered stuff in the universe. Nothing can escape black hole, not even light. Maybe gamma rays? Those travel very fast and can destroy nearby solar systems.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Well there are still a lot of unanswered stuff in the universe. Nothing can escape black hole, not even light. Maybe gamma rays? Those travel very fast and can destroy nearby solar systems.
Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation, so travel in same speed as visible light does.

Gamma rays can not destroy other galaxies/solar system. If this is was true, then we all wouldn't exist! The sun produces awful a lot of gamma rays and Earth's atmosphere blocks most of gamma rays and therefore saving us from harm. Gamma rays are also used in medicine, and some medical scanners use gamma rays. Also, gamma rays are similar to x-rays, try think them as x-ray.

Einstein's special relativity theory is not hard to understand as people and you might make it to be.

I understood about half of it.
Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation, so travel in same speed as visible light does.

Gamma rays can not destroy other galaxies/solar system. If this is was true, then we all wouldn't exist! The sun produces awful a lot of gamma rays and Earth's atmosphere blocks most of gamma rays and therefore saving us from harm. Gamma rays are also used in medicine, and some medical scanners use gamma rays. Also, gamma rays are similar to x-rays, try think them as x-ray.

Einstein's special relativity theory is not hard to understand as people and you might make it to be.

I understood about half of it.

Well, I was talking about after a star produces a burst of gamma rays, lot more energy than a star that is alive.
Well, I was talking about after a star produces a burst of gamma rays, lot more energy than a star that is alive.

Well, I think differently. When a star explodes, a lot of energy is emitted, but at same time, a lot of element/compounds are also emitted too. After explosion of star, there is might be a black hole that would suck all things in.

So, I think it is not only energy that would destroy solar system.
Well, I think differently. When a star explodes, a lot of energy is emitted, but at same time, a lot of element/compounds are also emitted too. After explosion of star, there is might be a black hole that would suck all things in.

So, I think it is not only energy that would destroy solar system.

Yea, like I said...there are a lot of unsolved mysteries in the universe. Lots of cosmic energy being unleashed. It's amazing how the Earth's magnetic field energy protects from a lot of elements out in the space.
"I am part of the part that at first was all, part of the darkness that gave birth to the light, that supercilious light which now disputes with Mother Night her ancient rank and space, and yet cannot succeed; no matter how it struggles, it sticks to matter and can't get free. Light flows from substance, makes it beautiful. Solids can check its path, so I hope it won't be long before light and the world's stuff are destroyed together."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We have taught that newtons law, and that was proved to be wrong recently, then we have taught about Albert Einstein's relativity theory, and once again, it was wrong. Who's next?


Both are still valid.

If you're talking about quantum theory, it's just a different way of looking at physics.
No, as in there is no dark. Dark exists solely because of absence of light. Basically, at same speed of light.

I see as dark being all over at all times.. so therfore dark has no speed. It's just there..
Color me skeptical. If I had to bet, I would bet that this won't pan out and it will be attributable to some calculation error, equipment glitch, or experimental design error. However, I also recognize that if I had to bet, there's a good chance I'd lose money on this. After all, you never know what weird and unexpected directions science will lead us.

We have taught that newtons law, and that was proved to be wrong recently, then we have taught about Albert Einstein's relativity theory, and once again, it was wrong. Who's next?
I always thought the word "wrong" was too strong a word to describe a model that is extremely accurate within certain conditions under which the vast majority of everyday experience falls. It's only wrong to use the wrong model for a given situation. It would be wrong to use classical mechanics to determine how far a muon will travel before decaying. On the other hand, while it wouldn't be wrong, it would be downright silly to use relativity equations to calculate the energy of a moving vehicle.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

-Albert Einstein
Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation, so travel in same speed as visible light does.

Gamma rays can not destroy other galaxies/solar system. If this is was true, then we all wouldn't exist! The sun produces awful a lot of gamma rays and Earth's atmosphere blocks most of gamma rays and therefore saving us from harm. Gamma rays are also used in medicine, and some medical scanners use gamma rays. Also, gamma rays are similar to x-rays, try think them as x-ray.

Einstein's special relativity theory is not hard to understand as people and you might make it to be.

I understood about half of it.

if you understood only half of it - then it is apparently quite hard to understand :)
Why the **** you have to be a douchebag, Jiro? Einstein's theory of relativity is not that hard to grasp. Claiming the vast majority of the population don't understand it is grasping at straws because it is completely neglecting the fact most people don't take a hard science degree. I means for freakiin' sakes, only 14% of the North American population accepts evolution as factual opposed to 70-90% in Europe. If they can't even accept something simple as that, then of course physics is going to be way over their heads; let alone theory of relativity.

Lack of education should never equates to insidious suggestion of "people are not smart enough". The number of willful ignorami far outweighs the separation of the wheat from the chaff. I am sorry, but when vast majority deliberately chooses to ignore the foundations, then one really shouldn't be an intellectual elitist.

So stop being a freakin' liberal elite [fauxgressive] and pull your head out of your ass. Do us a favour, stop being such an ass.
Why the **** you have to be a douchebag, Jiro? Einstein's theory of relativity is not that hard to grasp. Claiming the vast majority of the population don't understand it is grasping at straws because it is completely neglecting the fact most people don't take a hard science degree. I means for freakiin' sakes, only 14% of the North American population accepts evolution as factual opposed to 70-90% in Europe. If they can't even accept something simple as that, then of course physics is going to be way over their heads; let alone theory of relativity.

Lack of education should never equates to insidious suggestion of "people are not smart enough". The number of willful ignorami far outweighs the separation of the wheat from the chaff.

I am sorry, but when vast majority deliberately chooses to ignore the foundations, then one really shouldn't be an intellectual elitist.

So stop being a freakin' liberal elite [fauxgressive] and pull your head out of your ass. Do us a favour, stop being such an ass.

then why do you bother engaging in "deep intellectual" debates with other posters in other threads to disprove their reasonings? :)
then why do you bother engaging in "deep intellectual" debates with other posters in other threads to disprove their reasonings? :)

Because most of those people takes comfort in being satisfied in filling in the gaps of the unknown. What is wrong with saying "I don't know"? That's the fun part of life: admitting you don't know, so you can find out more.

"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the exact opposite." - Bertrand Russell

Human civilization has always progressed on the basis of curiosity.
Because most of those people takes comfort in being satisfied in filling in the gaps of the unknown. What is wrong with saying "I don't know"? That's the fun part of life: admitting you don't know, so you can find out more.

"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the exact opposite." - Bertrand Russell

Human civilization has always progressed on the basis of curiosity.

where did I say that I know everything about Einstein's Theory of Relativity? and nobody asked me anything about Theory of Relativity :lol:

My entire posts in here aren't about me knowing about it. I'm just showing the actual reality of how much we really know about science.

yes everybody knows "e=mc2" equation but do they really understand it? can they explain it? The most common answer is - "it's just the way it is". Only 2-3 people in the world can explain it in the same way that Einstein can.
i trust it .it is true .if our speed is the same as sunlight, we will come to back times.
i am fun of Einstein .