Faster than speed of light???!

This is extremely interesting. Imagine if the speed of light turns out to be only a connection to time and does not control mass, it would be quite significant in terms of space travel. Could the constant(the speed of light) only be a measurement of time and not speed.

As one travels closer to the speed of light time slows down (proven already by current space flight), however, the mass of the object is also affected and time only slows down for that which is associated with the object.
He cautioned that the neutrino researchers would also have to explain why similar results weren't detected before, such as when an exploding star - or supernova - was observed in 1987.

....Because they're thinking in the box.
It's possible they may have to set up a new hypothesis to explain this phenomenon
This is old news to me because of Black Holes. They are so strong that light cannot escape them, so their strength exceed the speed of light.
which will always fail at some point

Yes and they will have to write up a new hypothesis at some point. The beauty of science is that it's self correcting and expanding in knowing and understanding the universe or the world around you.
We have taught that newtons law, and that was proved to be wrong recently, then we have taught about Albert Einstein's relativity theory, and once again, it was wrong. Who's next?
They just put silicon on the particles.

What? Even if it's what you said, it's still "impossible" according to Einstein as NOTHING exceeds the speed of light. Also, the article talks about sub-atomic particle, neutrino, not "silicon on the particle" like you said.
We have taught that newtons law, and that was proved to be wrong recently, then we have taught about Albert Einstein's relativity theory, and once again, it was wrong. Who's next?

Theory of Relativity is not yet proven wrong but they are testing it now based on what they observed recently. If they are able to prove it happend again at other location then it would require rethinking and tweeking. Otherwise, it stands as current theory.
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What? Even if it's what you said, it's still "impossible" according to Einstein as NOTHING exceeds the speed of light. Also, the article talks about sub-atomic particle, neutrino, not "silicon on the particle" like you said.

What? Even if it's what you said, it's still "impossible" according to Einstein as NOTHING exceeds the speed of light. Also, the article talks about sub-atomic particle, neutrino, not "silicon on the particle" like you said.

I guess they don't sell sarcasm detectors in the UK. :giggle:
We have taught that newtons law, and that was proved to be wrong recently, then we have taught about Albert Einstein's relativity theory, and once again, it was wrong. Who's next?

Einstein's Theory of Relativity was proven wrong??? never heard of it. Only 2 or 3 people in the world can fully understand it.

I think you confused it with Hawkin's theory.