Fantasy signs :)


New Member
Sep 4, 2008
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WARNING: Thread created by drugged post surgery patient! Read at your own risk!

I'd like to make a thread about signing mythical or fantasy stories, mainly centred around specific signs, but any signs about myth, legend, lore, fantasy places, things, creatures. Unicorns, whatever.

You might be a little amused that my first attempt to come up with a sign for Pegasus resulted in signing Horsefly. I've learned my lesson, and now try to ask for established signs. Don't worry, I'm looking to buy a very comprehensive ASL dictionary, and one has been recommended for me, but that's not the purpose of this thread.

Any mythical things, mythical creatures or lands or fantasies are fair game for this thread. I hope it's a fun thread. If it isn't, please find something else to do :) You can either describe the real sign or one you made up, tell an amusing story about you or somebody else trying to sign it, or misunderstanding it, or anything to do with any signs from fantasies or mythology, legends, whatever.
Elf= Both "E" hands at shoulder level, palms face shoulders, they dramatically swivel forward so "E" face out and sweep out a little.

I don't know if it is for having a cape or elf ears or why, but that is the sign for elf.

Fable: With the thumb touching your forehead, take your "5" hand and move it away from you in a slightly downward and upward motion. Then make the ASL sign for "story" twice (instead of three times as is done for story/tale).

Fairy: Touch each shoulder with your "5" hand, move in a downward and upward motion away from you (so that the back of each palm is facing you) and then make a "fluttering" motion with your fingers.

Hopefully these descriptions make sense. :) If not, I will be happy to clarify.
Dragon= Starts with "S" hand in front of mouth. It flys away from your mouth as all fingers open to widespread position. Your mouth opens wide and tongue comes out a little like you are the dragon spitting fire.

(In case no one noticed, I am enthused about this topic)
Dragon= Starts with "S" hand in front of mouth. It flys away from your mouth as all fingers open to widespread position. Your mouth opens wide and tongue comes out a little like you are the dragon spitting fire.

(In case no one noticed, I am enthused about this topic)

Yay!! =D

Btw, I really like the elf emoticon you're using, and your display picture =D

I just find it funny that this book I bought was designed to get people started with signing from birth through all ages of childhood, and yet it doesn't include signs for so many things that are so common in children's stories and fantasies! Besides, I can't imagine what it would be like to be somebody who doesn't enjoy talking about fantasy =) These signs are essential for basic living.

I'm also having a fun time with this thread! :)


I found my old tactile sign language notes and came across the following signs:

Cave: With one hand, make a "C." With the other, put your index finger through the "C" and then make a circling motion.

Clown: Place a clawed "5" hand in front of the nose and then make a twisting motion.

Galaxy: Place index fingers of left and right hand side by side, move them up and down and then take one hand (an open "5" hand) and make a half-circular motion.

Ghost: Take both "5" hands so that one is facing down and the other is facing up. Slowly move the top "5" hand into a an upward swirling motion. At the same time, move the bottom "5" hand downward once (as if making the sign for "soft.").

Right now it's time for me to make dinner. After I've finished, I'll look through my notes some more and let you know if I find any other signs. :)
Castle 2 different signs. From Sternberg's ASL dictionary 1998 edition

Castle #1= (it is for the buttresses and bulwarks) Both hands, held in fists.Both arms horizontal, one on top of other. Right arm rises to vertical and elbow is brought down sharply about an inch. The left then does the same thing.

Castle #2= (it is for the ramparts and towers) Both "C" hands held up with palms facing each other. They are brought down and apart in a series of successive movements.

Okay, I'm back.

Here are some additional signs:

Giant: With the "5" hand facing palm down, raise above your head and then move downward (ending at chin level).

Halloween: Place "V" hands facing horizontally in front of the eyes. Then close "V" hands while at the same time moving them in opposite directions from each other. End the sign by forming "Y" hands and moving them in a downward and outward direction.

Midget/Little Person: With "5" hand facing palm down, move in downward motion once.

Palace: With open "5" hand facing to the left (or right depending on your dominant hand) and slightly off to the side of the eyes/face, make a "fluttering" motion with your fingers while moving to the left (or the right). When the "5" hand is directly in front of your eyes, close it while continuing to move it downward towards the chin. End the sign by making two open "5" hands facing each other and moving them in opposite directions.

Servant: With both open "5" hands facing up, move them from side to side. End the sign by signing "person" (both open "5" hands facing each other and moving them in a downward direction).

Vampire: Take "V" hand, move it towards the neck and end sign by touching the side of the neck.
I found a video on YouTube that kind of represents what I mean by funny mistakes made because of signing for children signs that aren't published in popular dictionaries made for teaching children to sign.

YouTube - Don't Make Up Sign Language

It's not my video, but what do you think? Does anybody have anything more to say about this? Do you know the correct signs for these and other words that are commonly found in children's books? Or should we be teaching our children to fingerspell really long words when they're like 2 and 3?

Personally, I think people can go ahead and keep making up their own signs when they can't find them because then it gives me something to laugh about later :giggle: