Family names


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
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I learned something new about my family tree.
So far I found out that names were existed in my family tree except my current last name and my maiden name I keep it to myself and here is the listen name from my ancestors.

On my mother's side

Possible names but need to research those names if they were really connect to me.
O Dell

I am not finish with names yet as for my father, I am not sure if I can trace his family tree back to his parent's native Poland.

What about u?
Do u know ur ancestors name? I am so curious cuz I thought names were so interest and see it is still here.
No not yet! I am working on it. But it is quite confusing! :giggle: I will keep try and get the information. It is quite intersting! SO far I found out my great grandmother moved from Canada (French Canadian) and Wales, UK. So I am not sure if there are more. Oh shoot! I forgot to ask my dad on his birthday when I called him! I will next time! :lol:
Yes, I know and can document my English ancestors' names only back to the Mayflower. Further back than that I can't document to my satisfaction.

I know and can document my Portuguese ancestors' names back to the Azores, early 1800's.

I know and can document my Dutch ancestors back to the Netherlands, 1600's.
No not yet! I am working on it. But it is quite confusing! :giggle: I will keep try and get the information. It is quite intersting! SO far I found out my great grandmother moved from Canada (French Canadian) and Wales, UK. So I am not sure if there are more. Oh shoot! I forgot to ask my dad on his birthday when I called him! I will next time! :lol:

Me too, still confuse everytime I search some name and ended up with too many names. Wonderful u do have some french blood in you as my husband do have, I think his family comes from French Canada to southern Lousiana. But I will research his later, I do mine first. I have notice too many Wales in my family tree, not sure if they are really came from there or go thru there first before came to America alike one of my great------grandfather was from Hamburg Germany then go to Wale first then come to America. Still not clear yet there.
Yes, I know and can document my English ancestors' names only back to the Mayflower. Further back than that I can't document to my satisfaction.

I know and can document my Portuguese ancestors' names back to the Azores, early 1800's.

I know and can document my Dutch ancestors back to the Netherlands, 1600's.

Azores, cool name wonder if the name still exit to this day? Do u know your English ancestors name from Mayflower? I do know one of Wilks came to America from England in 1800's. Other names, not sure yet. I am not completely research. :)
Azores, cool name wonder if the name still exit to this day?
The Azores are the Portuguese islands where my ancestor came from. That's not the family name. Sorry about the confusion.
Mine is

My mother's side family

Unknown abt my father's
I'll say one family name - Leppert, it was from PA or something like that on my paternal great grandmother's side (my father's mother's mother). It is irish/scottish.

I have traced my paternal ancestors on my grandfather's paternal side to France, and I still carry the old french surname. A couple of my french ancestors were beheaded at the infamous gulliote, and another couple got legion of honor medal.

Besnard is also another old french family name that is no longer in my direct family lineage because it was a maiden name of a great grandmother on my father's side. Joseph Besnard and Armandine was the last generation of my direct line to live and die in Chaumont, France during the 1890s.

Perhaps DNA analysis could tell us where we came from, too.
my family generations came from:

my dad's side:

my mom's side

I found 2 Goodyears' family in different way..

One great aunt on my mom's side traced my family line all the way back to England. She wrote it down the family tree which turned out to be a small book! My ancestors first came to America in 1630s--ten years after the Mayflower boat. Some of the ancestors fought on both sides in the Civil War, even have one Declaration of Independence signer, most were farmers, teachers and gov't workers.

Looking in that book, I was amazed to count how many children were born to each couple--10 to 14 children!! This was common practice over 100 years ago becuz many children die of diseases in those days. Can't imagine popping babies out of my womb every year!!:-o
My earliest Dutch ancestors to come to America were Claes Cornelissen Van Cats (from Schoonhoven, S. Holland, Netherlands) and Catalyntie Jans (from Amsterdam, N. Holland, Netherlands). They moved to New York. They married in 1670.

My Portuguese ancestor came from the Azores to America in 1848. His parents were Francisco de Borges Freitas Henriques and D. Marianna Lurinda de Mendonca. I have a copy of his baptismal certificate (in some countries, babies didn't get birth certificates but they got baptismal certificates).

I'm a "Mayflower" descendant on both my mom's side of the family, and my dad's. My mom's family descended from William Brewster, and my dad's family descended from William Brewster and Edward Doty.