Fall 2014 begins


Veteran Traveler
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Summer is gone. :( Fall has begun, and that means new and exciting stuff. What will you be doing during the Fall 2014 season?
Hmmm I am very confused... I thought u hate winter, and its right around the corner.
Just cant wait for first snowfall!
Hmmm I am very confused... I thought u hate winter, and its right around the corner.
Just cant wait for first snowfall!

I do. Fall I am okay with, as long as I'm able to enjoy it. Winter and I just don't get along.
Fall is my favorite season. I love everything about the leaves changing colors, pumpkins, the cooler weather, love it all.
Did any one try something with pumpkin with chocolate ?? I haven't try that one yet
Fall is my favorite season. I love everything about the leaves changing colors, pumpkins, the cooler weather, love it all.

Likey.......no mosquitos, too! :lol:
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Likey.......no mosquitos, too! :lol:

That's for sure! We also had a rash of fruit flies this year. I think that's the first time they've been such a pest. They're small enough to get through the screens so they've been all over and annoying!!!
That's for sure! We also had a rash of fruit flies this year. I think that's the first time they've been such a pest. They're small enough to get through the screens so they've been all over and annoying!!!

OH god! I had fruit fly infestation 2 years ago. They are extremely hard to get rid of. My son has a fear of bugs and this drove him crazy. I tried every possible way to find it's source (where they lay eggs and populate) but I think I found it in the sink drain. Cleaned it out with bleach and another possible source might have been the bathroom scrub brush holder where it had little water in it.

I read everything online on how to get rid of them and it said to get rid of any source of water and food. man. That was difficult and exhausting task. Finally got rid of them after a month or so.
OH god! I had fruit fly infestation 2 years ago. They are extremely hard to get rid of. My son has a fear of bugs and this drove him crazy. I tried every possible way to find it's source (where they lay eggs and populate) but I think I found it in the sink drain. Cleaned it out with bleach and another possible source might have been the bathroom scrub brush holder where it had little water in it.

I read everything online on how to get rid of them and it said to get rid of any source of water and food. man. That was difficult and exhausting task. Finally got rid of them after a month or so.
Those werent fruit flies, sewer flies...
My wife picks the garden and she brings in split tomatoes and so...then we end up in a day with fruit flies and drive me nuts... so now i told her anything split throw outside, if they are sitting on the counter split Ill throw every one of them out as Im tired of picking through them.
I soak them in vinegar water and blot dry which helps... also lemon grass spray works to keep them out of plants and trash.
Leaves have already changed here and dropping. mosquitoes are rampant here still ( tiger mosquitoes) spiders everywhere.
OH god! I had fruit fly infestation 2 years ago. They are extremely hard to get rid of. My son has a fear of bugs and this drove him crazy. I tried every possible way to find it's source (where they lay eggs and populate) but I think I found it in the sink drain. Cleaned it out with bleach and another possible source might have been the bathroom scrub brush holder where it had little water in it.

I read everything online on how to get rid of them and it said to get rid of any source of water and food. man. That was difficult and exhausting task. Finally got rid of them after a month or so.

I totally believe the part about laying eggs and repopulating. That's what it's felt like here. The weird thing is that the biggest problem area has been near the garage. I'm not really sure why that is, or why it was such a big issue this year. Never been before.
I notice some trees are starting to trunk colors here , but it could be 80 degree next weekend and feel like summer again.
I hope to make one more camping trip in October before packing up the RV for the winter season. I am going to try for outdoor hiking or biking on the weekends. That's my plan for Fall

However, we need to finish the front porch. We put in new railings, steps, stripped the old paint from the posts and floor and now painting. Soon it will be finished!

Then, we will paint the door and shutters black.

I got inspired for ideas while in New Orleans last year so I am going to make it New Orleans style. Just need a brick wall...would be so perfect!


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caught in freak flood with grandson in London,first time in my life weather frightened me