Facts about asl nobody knows


New Member
Apr 10, 2012
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I am writting a paper and I need some information only deaf people know. Insider information.

-Thanks :wave::ty:
As a bilateral DEAF person since December 20, 2006-unaware who might be "deaf insiders" or what info they are keeping "secret"
Sounds like a group called Gnostics of ancient times.
Does Google know of them?
As a bilateral DEAF person since December 20, 2006-unaware who might be "deaf insiders" or what info they are keeping "secret"
Sounds like a group called Gnostics of ancient times.
Does Google know of them?

We won't tell you. :P
Do you know that many, many years ago, I got subscription to Cincinnati Reds publication.

I had a black 1993 Eclipse GSX AWD turbo engine when I was in high school.

I know a woman from high school whose whole family was deaf. They had their walls painted pink.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

ASL Gnosticism - I LOVE IT !!

Drat - and to think because I'm on med leave from Sem. I don't even have a paper to write about it in. Darn!

Too funny, drphil!
Best post you've ever written here !!!!
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