Europe could consider Nazi symbol ban....

I certain would not want to see nazi Symbols all over the place. Just because it is freedom of speech some Jews would take it offended, Just like the Africans, Mexican would take offended with people who are members of Ku Ku Klan. I don't like racist people, and I think the all racist groups should be banned in my eyes and in America eyes and all over the world. I think Nazi Symbols are very Poorly taste. So much have happened in the past that never be forgotten.
Banjo said:
Thank God somebody here has a brain.

This is really a no-brainer quote--PLEASE do take it easy and watch how you express your opinion other words, I could very well see this quote from several views and one of those views can be construed as indirect those who've posted in this thread....

Please do reconsider how you come across as others may take it entirely different from what your real intent was--Thank you!
Banjo said:
No, it isn't banned in the USA.

To a point... to a degree?

Sorry, but no. People can express their beliefs, and you can't stop them from doing so as long they aren't inciting violence.

Now back to the topic here....

Apparently I believe she is saying we can express our beliefs up to a point as long as it doesn't afflict violence and hate crimes....
Banning such symbols as the swastika which obvisously symbolizes Nazi...and for the other symbols that were also pointed out in this thread....banning these from being able to publicly display whether it's on a person, wall, vehicle, etc., is the underlying of the issue in question, but keeping those symbols where they belong such as in the history books, but in this case, it's about the symbol for which this thread refers to and the whole concept of this is more or less about being able to 'display' as some would see it as a 'freedom of speech' and a 'right' to do so....while others may feel oppressed by a publicly viewing and that's more of what this issue is all about...not about 'completely' banning such symbols...It rightfully belongs in the history books and to not allow such symbols to embrace our walls, buildings or our wardrobes....
Roadrunner said:
Now back to the topic here....

Apparently I believe she is saying we can express our beliefs up to a point as long as it doesn't afflict violence and hate crimes....

Let Angel speak for herself. It's better to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

To re-quote myself...

Sorry, but no. People can express their beliefs, and you can't stop them from doing so as long they aren't inciting violence.
And I am merely pointing out that she's indicating the same line of dialogue/idea but in a different way.....
Thank you for the compliment, I think.

Haven't people gone too far with political correctness? Won't "banning" the symbol makes it the "forbidden fruit" for others who wants to rebel against the system?

If you ban the symbol, people won't recognize it on first mention because all they'll hear in education placements is that "nazis were bad, nazis did this. we can't show you what the symbol was, because it's banned because it's bad."

Anyway, Banjo is right actually. You do have a choice in w hat the government does by making your vote and before you go so far to say, "well, i won't vote then."... not voting is a choice as well, which can affect the situation.

The art of Kama Sutra has a position that resembles a swastika. Should we ban that too?

Mod Note:

Thread re-opened....and see how it progresses....

Please respect members' opinions--thank you!
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Thank you, Roadrunner!

I'm here in the office to make posts.

I'll add my posts here why I'm disagree with you, Banjo.
That Nazi symbol goes spread out to the world because “Prince” Harry wore Nazi outfit at fancy party. I really don’t understand Harry because he must have known that the history about Nazi is horrible one but why claimed that it’s only a joke. He should not do that. ***Shake the head***

To Germans, It is a disgusting what Harry claimed that it’s only a joke. Harry would pay a high fine & put in the prison if he wears like this to the public in Germany.

No Banjo, Nazi, racialist, bad languages are not belongs to freedom of speech but abuse and offense! You will pay the fine or put in jail when police caught you for say those words to public. Those words are not acceptance accord German law.

Ausländerfeindlich (hostile to foreigners) WAS around in Germany at 10 to 15 years ago. Now no more! They were put in jail up 5 to 8 years because of this. Ausländerfeindlich goes sleep since this happened. German law is stricter about those abuses…. That’s why we have less criminals record than before.

Germany is low Crime and Punishment
Crime is described at as low in Germany. For assaults, Germany is described as 1.4 per 1,000 population, compared to 3.2 for Norway, 7.5 for the UK and 7.7 for the United States.
Germany has become one of the world's lesser violent nations, including its abolishing the death penalty in 1987.
In the year 2000, the German government banned corporal punishment in child rearing. (My German-American mother would have been dismayed by such law.)
see the link:

Nazi times: They ground NSDAP (Die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei = The National Socialist German labour party) See the story and history about Nazi on the link:

East Germans ground "the National Democratic Party" (NPD). The people compare NPD with Nazi times and want to ban NPD. Unfortunalately, the ban NPD was rejected. :mad: NPD claimed why they ground NPD because of high unemployment and EURO.............., not compare with Nazi time.
See the link:
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Steel said:
It is important that they must know the history of WWII, and must know why the nazi symbol is banned, so I think it sounds about fair to me, thats all.

European is already considering to remove, but what about America? will they do that, as well? I dunno. there've always been fights about putting down the confederate state flags since they mostly stand for slavery and stuff like that...personally, I kind of agree because they use that symbol just to keep slavery going and they lost! so why must they still hang the flag? they can be shown in the school textbooks, but must they hang it up everywhere in southern states? you know it would offened alot of blacks, and even a kid hanged a big confederate state flag on the back of its car and the princpal told the kid to take it down since it would offend the he did and I find that a good reason to do so, so why can't the government just take all down, too?


I'm agree that the people has the right to know about bad histories in the world.
Steel said:
Nope. never cool. not even at all.

But prince Harry said he wore it as a "joke". did someone laugh? proably not.


None of Germans think it's a joke as Harry claimed but disgusting.
jazzy said:
We have nazi gang here and they tried to hurt my son when he refused to join them cuz he has blue eye and blonde hair. Also he was big and strong. They look for people alike my son. I do not see this freedom of speech here instead of feeding fear into us.

I'm agree that it's not belong kind of freedom of speech but abuse.

Oh dear, it's sad to know how your son suffer! How old is your son?

Is it happened at school? If yes, then talk to Principal about this. I know it's scare for your son to give the names to principal who did to him but it's the best and safety for him if he gives out the names.

Have you talk to the parents of the bully children who hurt your son.

Check with police for their advice? I hope Taylor will read your post.
Banjo said:
Some people are glad they are thinking of banning the symbol?

Well, ban the bad symbol is the best to protect the children and people in the world. I would call those bad symbol as "criminal"

How would the Christians like it if the USA government was to ban the cross symbol because it was "offensive" to some of the atheists?

Oh dear, the cross symbol is not belong kind of "abuse".

How would the Muslims like it if the US government was to ban the mosques because they are considered a terrorist hotspot by some Americans?

Well, the word of "Mosques" is belongs kind of reglious, not "abuse" They are only humans who has their beliefs.

How would the Homosexuals like it if the US government was to ban homosexual relationships in the USA because the Christians found it offensive?

"Offensive" is not belongs kind of abuse but humans.

How would the Atheists like it if the US government sent them to jail for not believing in God?

:confused: ***scratch my head***

How would the deaf people like it if the US government was to ban ASL and any forms of sign languages because some doctors believed them to be the cause of illiteracy in America and sterilized because they were believed to be unfit for parenting?

How would the blind people like it if the US government was to sterilize them against their will and be forced to have experiments done on them to find a cure?

How would the communists like it if the US government was to make a new law telling that they have to register as communists, and blacklisted from the voting sheets because they were viewed as a threat to democracy?

How would the physically challenged people like it if the US government was to ban them from public buildings with no access to the handicapped to avoid paying the expenses of adding a ramp?

How would the mentally challenged people like it if the US government forced them to become sterilized because the Americans considered them to be inferior, and uncapable of making any decisions on their own?

How would the Jews like it if the US government was to require them to wear their Jewish symbols on their clothes?

***sigh*** You cant compare it with Nazi time.

Wait... some of what I said was how they paved the road to the holocaust!

Exactly, people's rights are being violated by not being able to express themselves. Even if it's the most offensive thing you've ever heard or seen. If they are going to ban this, they are making the soldiers roll in their graves because they fought to give people the rights to express themselves.

By banning the symbol, they are erasing history. Once everybody allow it to happen, the Christians, Muslims, Jews, Homosexuals, Communists, Atheists, Deaf, Blind, Mentally Challenged, Physically Challenged, and many more will be all part of the target. How the hell can they expect people to learn about the history of the world if they are willing to ban some symbols because it has a bad history?

It shouldn't even be considered. The day they cross the line by banning certain symbols that play important roles in our history, may the rebirth of the holocaust begin.

There's no stopping the holocaust because it was allowed to go on just like they allowed it to go on in World War II.

Nazi time is the worst and hurt Jews and disablity people.
Nazi time: They change the new law against their people what they add their law is totally abuse.
What the scientists did with Jews and also people is total abuse.
The Nazi law was changed again after WWII which it's good!

I received the stories from people who had bad experience during Nazi time. It's horrible what they had been through. I don't blame them for agree to ban "Nazi" smybols. Those smybols brought them bad memories.

Would you still call it as "Freedom of Speech"? For me, no! I would call it as "Freedom of abuse" what they did in Nazi time in the past.

Of course the people has the right to know why Nazi symbols has to ban.
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^Angel^ said:
How is the cross symbol related to the Nazi symbol ?? Nazi symbol is not a religious maybe to the Nazi people, but not to the jew people, the Nazi people murder millions of jew people, and Nazy symbol is related to a hate crime, cross symobol is not...I am not quite sure why you are twisted this around.. and it not the same thing here and beside I also don't find the cross symbol as an offensive to some people, if the goverment banned that because of that reason, still that not an excuess, it was never a hate crime in the first place, so that's totally a different story there.....

You still are comparing others to this issue, still it not a hate crime and I have no idea why you are twisting things around ....

This happen to be my opinion and if you believe that Nazi has the freedom of speech? then maybe you should go up to the goverment office and suggest that they have right of freedom of speech and what would the jews people would think of this or many other people out there? ...And what about the millions of jew people that died for nothing?? they did nothing to deserved this punishment and you are sitting here saying they have the right of freedom of speech???..that not respecting those jews people who was killed cause of their race...

Hate crimes are against the law nothing to do with freedom of speech but freedom of abuse

Well said!!!!!!!!!
Banjo said:
Wearing a Nazi symbol is not a hate crime, period. It's protected by the first amendment because it is an form of speech and expression.

What comparisons?

I'm talking about how banning the symbol is going to pave the road to fascism. Believe it or not, but that's what will happen if you allow the government to punish people for expressing themselves. I am merely giving you the examples of how far it would go.

Hope that'll help. Look, I am not defending the Nazi scumbags. Everybody have the rights to express themselves including the Nazi scumbags as long no violence are incited. Period. That's what I'm getting at.

I don't have to... because EVERYBODY in the USA are FREE to EXPRESS themselves as long they don't incite violence. Wearing a symbol is not inciting violence, it's a way of expressing one itself.

Respect or not. Freedom of Speech and Expression come first.

Again, wearing the Nazi symbol is not a hate crime. A hate crime is when you commit an act of violence or abuse toward a person or more because of who they are.

But to express your beliefs... that's to be fully protected by the first amendment in the USA. Period. Regardless of whose feelings it may hurt. People are to express themselves if they wish to and not be charged with a criminal offense when they weren't even inciting violence.

Sure, they has the right to express their opinions and free to say anything whatever they want but wear Nazi symbol? I cant see the sense why they wear Nazi outfit to express the people for.

They dont have to wear Nazi symbol when they express their opinion, don't they? Do you think the Nazi symbol, they wear would help to express people? No, it's not what they think but drive them to bad nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont blame them for that.
^Angel^ said:
I haven't seen that movie yet, is that a new movie?...We rented a movie but I forgot the name of it, a jew woman who is trying to become a doctor in American after what she went thru with the Nazi in Germany, Her family and her son got killed by the Nazi....I have to find out what the name of it, but its based on a true story, very good movie!!

Please send me one if you have!

Here in Germany dont sell any movies or on TV like this. I never see Jews, Nazi stories etc for almost 20 years. I mean "DEEP" and "MOVIES", not "general" and "series" what I saw on the TV once a year. If you want to know anything about Hilter's side then buy a book in any book stores. I need others's sides what they have bad experience with Hilter and Nazi times.
Last one I saw was in England at 20 years ago. Actress Vanessa Heagreave who play as famous Jew singer who had a bad experience with Nazi time. Really good movie. I wish to record it to keep myself and show it to my hubby before move and live in Germany. Did you know about that?

I would be happy if anyone mail me the DVD or video cassette with subtitles like this. (people's stories about their bad experience during Nazi time). Of course I will pay the mail stamp and cost of DVD....

Thank you. :hug:
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Steel said:

If anyone ever seen the movie "American History X" starring Edward Norton and Edward Furlong, it's a pretty good one.

I dont have DVD like this in Germany. When it start to sell DVD in the stores?

What's the story about?
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Raven said:
If you ban the symbol, people won't recognize it on first mention because all they'll hear in education placements is that "nazis were bad, nazis did this. we can't show you what the symbol was, because it's banned because it's bad."

I think you misunderstood me here, I never said ban all the nazis symbol, all I am talking about is the topic of this thread about wearing the Nazis symbol ban that goes around your arms that I would vote to have it ban not the symbols in the history books cause that is to learn the history!!..

I had to deal with people who telling me who to vote for as a president or what to vote for which would be better for our state, I have every right as an American to vote whatever I please, no matter what others say about this, every person has the right to vote as based on what they believe or think is the right thing to do , no matter how the vote turns out, no one is wrong in anything....If American was going to ban the Nazis symbol ban that people wear on their arm, I would vote ' YES ' no matter what others may think of this and yet, I have the right to!..I don't think it cool or a joke to wear a Nazi ban and yet, It gives those people respect for those who died in the result of what the Nazi people have done to them cause of their race!....that show me I respect those people!
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Raven said:
I think they're going too far on banning the symbol. If you ban the swastika symbol, you're taking away a part of the history of the world.

I think it's just a political agenda due to Prince Harry's decision to wear the armband at a friend's costume party. Yes, he made a bad decision, but no one would have given a rat ass if it was some joe schmo in Harry's place. Sure, they think of it as a bad choice, but nobody's going to go, "oh good god, we must save the world from the impending force of the nazis!"

I see this symbol all the time, in my books, history classes, movies, tvs, even in brochures. It doesn't make me go out and persecute against jewishs. If we're going to ban symbols, we might as well as ban the sickle and the hammer for USSR, the elephant/donkey symbol for the US, and so on and so forth.

A symbol is a symbol, I don't support the action of the nazis, but it's a symbol. If you look up information, you can find out that it's an alternation of another symbol for a different religion defining as "peace" i believe.

Again, this is just political agenda by the EU. Period.


Bann bad symbol doesnt mean that they took bad history away. The people has the right to know the reason why they ban bad symbol. The histories are alway here and there, of course everywhere.
Everyone can search to find out why if they are really interesting to know all about this.
I cant see the sense why anyone wear nazi outfit to express the people. They can say anything what they wants, not wear. Nazi symbol brought the people bad nightmare.
I call bad symbol as "freedom of abuse".

Books, histories, etc. are open everywhere in the world.