Enhancing VB surfing experience with Firefox plugin: FFvB


Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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Those of you who use firefox, have you tried this particular plugin called FfVB?


I have been trying this out recently and I have to say, wow this really is pretty nice.

It's still an experimental release, but pretty stable so far for me. The best and interesting thing is that it can auto highlight threads and posts for you, but that's not all it does.. still trying it out as we speak.
Wow! I will return home to install this plugin into FF.

This is for those who want to want to be able to filter topics by words, users, or whatever other criteria that you wish to ask for. The only prerequisite is that you use Mozilla Firefox.
Here is a personal example I created for you to observe how it works.

Let's say I want to ignore the Lounge thread (for some reason)

^ Now you see it.


Then I use FFVB management to ignore this thread id in particular so it never loads up. You might ask, What if I accidentally added one? We'll cover that at the end. Anyways, I can either ignore by thread or user by clicking.


^ Viola, and it's gone!

Here is the actual management GUI interface in the event you mistakenly added someone or did something wrong, you can always go back to remove it.


Again, the only prerequisites is that you are:
1) Using firefox with a decent edition supported by the plugin
2) Logged in - not 100% sure on this, but most likely

Have fun!
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Sweet, i am adding this to my firefox add-on.This is another reason why firefox is simply the best browser.
I am not sure if forum administrators and moderators would find FFvB plug-in use.

I had one of the thread on ignore and it was closed repetitively unintentionally.

I recently tested this on another vBulletin forum where I do not moderate, it didn't do the same thing.

I like FFvB plug-in very much, I am continuing to play around with it.
I tested out on firefox, it did works in here. It would be handy for members to use this. I only tested it as a visitor on AllDeaf on Firefox. As I'm using Safari on my logged AD account. :)
So it would never show any threads that you choose to ignore? Not even when you click on New Posts or Todays Posts? That would be cool!
Yeah, I just think of this plugin as a user's way to manage their browsing experience to heart's content without having someone else to do it for them, as win-win situation.

That way the administration team doesn't have to go about installing new stuff for everyone, the users can take matters into hands themselves without much trouble.

Whenever a thread is ignored by thread ID / url, like this one http://www.alldeaf.com/how-use-alld...b-surfing-experience-firefox-plugin-ffvb.html
the customization hides it by the URL.

Whenever a thread is ignored by Keywords, then they don't show up either, like if you put Sex as a keyword or whatever else you want. Ignore by user is the same thing.

You can also switch that around and ignore it based on posts instead if you don't want the thread invisible. I think this picture should help explain it better:


The other option is to highlight posts and topics by color, using the same functionality as ignore is implemented. You just define it to highlight that thread and it ends up being in color so you don't miss it. Or highlight posts in color by username or keyword.

Here are the other examples:


Highlighting a thread, using a border color so it stands out


Highlight an users's posts with a border color so it stands out. also all quotes of that users's posts are bordered too. Ie, you can see in the picture I highlighted my own post for you to observe, Botti quoted my post after me, and you see it is red also.

That's about mainly it in a nutshell.

Brian, I'm not aware about the opening/closing issue. I wonder what happened? So far I have never had a problem using it, but I never ignore threads, except when I did it here for demonstration. Wonder what it is that's causing it?
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There's a builtin ability in vbulletin to ignore users, but not threads. Cool Plugin. The only thing about plugins is that if you have alot it will slow down Firefox and that's a no no.