Drew's Cochlear Implant Surgery

Drew's Dad

Mar 14, 2007
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My son's surgery was last week, and he is doing well. He received simultaneous bilateral implants (Nucleus Freedom) and is now the youngest child in Ohio to have done so at just under 9 months.

He was groggy in the recovery room but quickly came to and chugged a serving of Pedialyte. His head bandage was large but we got used to it quickly and it was removed three days later. He had no problems sleeping or eating after the surgery at all, which was great.

Strangely, since the surgery he has learned to sit up - finally gaining control of his balance - as well as to start to crawl. He jerks his knees in a bit, digs his toes into the carpet and pushes himself forward like he's hopping. It's cute, but soon we are going to watch him every second lest he get into something he shouldn't be.

His activation is in under two weeks so we are awaiting that at this point. Cochlear's "BabyWorn" processers are not available yet (despite the fact that they were shown on their website a few weeks ago), so we are doing two bodyworn processers that we have sewn pockets into the back of his clothes for. I'll let you know what happens at the activation!
My son's surgery was last week, and he is doing well. He received simultaneous bilateral implants (Nucleus Freedom) and is now the youngest child in Ohio to have done so at just under 9 months.

He was groggy in the recovery room but quickly came to and chugged a serving of Pedialyte. His head bandage was large but we got used to it quickly and it was removed three days later. He had no problems sleeping or eating after the surgery at all, which was great.

Strangely, since the surgery he has learned to sit up - finally gaining control of his balance - as well as to start to crawl. He jerks his knees in a bit, digs his toes into the carpet and pushes himself forward like he's hopping. It's cute, but soon we are going to watch him every second lest he get into something he shouldn't be.

His activation is in under two weeks so we are awaiting that at this point. Cochlear's "BabyWorn" processers are not available yet (despite the fact that they were shown on their website a few weeks ago), so we are doing two bodyworn processers that we have sewn pockets into the back of his clothes for. I'll let you know what happens at the activation!

I am so glad to hear that Drew's surgery went well and his recovery even better. Exciting and challenging times are ahead! Hope all goes well and will be checking your blog especially at the end of this month!

Best Wishes,
My son's surgery was last week, and he is doing well. He received simultaneous bilateral implants (Nucleus Freedom) and is now the youngest child in Ohio to have done so at just under 9 months.

He was groggy in the recovery room but quickly came to and chugged a serving of Pedialyte. His head bandage was large but we got used to it quickly and it was removed three days later. He had no problems sleeping or eating after the surgery at all, which was great.

Strangely, since the surgery he has learned to sit up - finally gaining control of his balance - as well as to start to crawl. He jerks his knees in a bit, digs his toes into the carpet and pushes himself forward like he's hopping. It's cute, but soon we are going to watch him every second lest he get into something he shouldn't be.

His activation is in under two weeks so we are awaiting that at this point. Cochlear's "BabyWorn" processers are not available yet (despite the fact that they were shown on their website a few weeks ago), so we are doing two bodyworn processers that we have sewn pockets into the back of his clothes for. I'll let you know what happens at the activation!

Drew's Dad:

That's great your son had a successful surgery!! Keep us posted of the activation! :)
Glad Drew's surgery was a success with no complications. He had balance problems before he had his surgery?
Great to hear. Welcome to the club!
Looking forward to hear more.!
According to the blog, his balanced seems to be better than before.
We saw this with Lotte as well, shortly after the operation.
Before, she sometimes couldn't walk in a straight line, and turning corners looked strange.
All this was gone after the operation.
Glad Drew's surgery was a success with no complications. He had balance problems before he had his surgery?
I wouldn't say he had problems, it's just that he couldn't balance himself enough to sit on his own. He was a little behind in that regard. Then a couple days after surgery he suddenly could sit by himself for long periods of time. Probably a coincidence, but surprising nevertheless.
I wouldn't say he had problems, it's just that he couldn't balance himself enough to sit on his own. He was a little behind in that regard. Then a couple days after surgery he suddenly could sit by himself for long periods of time. Probably a coincidence, but surprising nevertheless.

That's interesting. It's common for deaf children to have balance problems. My nephew was like that and was a late walker as a result.