Does anyone skate/rollerskate here? :)

I would be happpppy to! dang you are in peru. =(
I would love to roller skate again its a lot of fun. I did roller blade years ago, on the beach.
Yeah, I see lot of people rollerblade at Alki beach during nice days. :)
I was childhood to use both of ice skating and roller skating.
I'm thinking about getting a new rollerblades and I'll make a video while I'm skating :) Jiro, do you have any video? :D

no miss I do not but I can try to make one when it's warm out. Just need to get a friend to go with me to record me :cool2:

Frisky - hold this camera! :mad2:
that term is for

This item is roller skates


This item is inline skates
I used to rollar skate all the time. Started about with the pair of old brown rental skates that was shown in Jiro's pic.

Then Mom got me a pair of speed skates. They were NOT hi top. They were top of the line back in the 80's. Loved shuffle skating. Even learned several tricks.

Got me a pair of rollar blades. They are "O.K.". Hated the hard plastic ankle support. Limiting movements

So when I go skating. I so much prefer the rollar skates over the rollar blades.
oh forgot to add a note - I'm very specific in what I want - the wheel size, the hardness/softness of wheel, the type of bearing, metal/plastic frame, etc. I lube, clean my bearing and rollerblade often. My rollerblade is tuned for high speed and agility hence.... an old hockey nickname - "Hyperboy" since I always used HYPER brand wheels at that time.

I keep rollerblade in my car trunk in case anybody wanna blade :rockon:

I used to rollerblade from class to class when I was a student at Arizona State and for a short time I was pregnant with my daughter there! I still rollerbladed with a BIG pregnant belly! Man, those were the days!
I used to rollerblade from class to class when I was a student at Arizona State and for a short time I was pregnant with my daughter there! I still rollerbladed with a BIG pregnant belly! Man, those were the days!

LOL, you are a tough chick.
I stopped around 7 months

wow, you reminds me of my old friend who loves dance so wild. She dances for the dance company. She had been dancing till she was around 6 months old when she couldn't raise her leg up in the air due to her little bean was in the way. lol.
Hahah wow, Shel! :P I used to do the same (rollerblade from class to class) when I was studying for university (I had to take an exam) but I don't know if I can do the same in the university, but I'll ask :P
I used to rollerskate a lot when I was a kid. I would go to the local rollerskating rink and skate there with my friends or for parties. When they came out with rollerblades, I started using those more often. I did use them once in a rollerskating rink, but after that... I never went to a rollerskating rink again. I still used my rollerblades a few more times outside near my house, but stopped and haven't rollerbladed since.