Does anyone have WWE DVDs?


LOL at Homer Simpson
Premium Member
Mar 15, 2006
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Or WWF DVDs, and want to get rid of them, I would love to buy some from u cuz I am very serious collect on WWE (and WWF) DVDs, so PM me! :)
VamPyroX said:
Try eBay. :thumb:

I always collect from over there, I just wonder if any ADers who are collecting and want to get rid, then contact me! :)

I have more than 150 WWE/WWF DVDs in my room... I am very serious collect on this one :D
I have wwe dvds. They are Hard knocks, eddie, and rey dvds for story. So, do u want to buy me?
DoVip said:
I have wwe dvds. They are Hard knocks, eddie, and rey dvds for story. So, do u want to buy me?

How much cost for all 3? Accept PayPal?
farewell65 said:
How much cost for all 3? Accept PayPal?

Totals = $30.00. Yes accept. what is your email?
Hey there

I can sell you alot of WWF DVD's

I currently have:

Raw is War 1997-1999 plus PPV's (Every Episode to Air on thos eyears)

In Your House 1 - 1995

In Your House 2 - 1995

In Your House 3 - 1995

In Your House 4 - 1995

In Your House 5 - 1995

In Your House 6 - 1996

In Your House - Beware of Dog Part 2- 1996

In Your House - Good Friends Better Enemies - 1996

In Your House - International Incident - 1996

In Your House - Mind Games - 1996

In your House Buried Alive - 1996

In Your House - It's time - 1996

In Your House - Final Four - 1997

Capital Carnage - 1998 (UK PPV)

Insurrection X - 2000 (UK PPV)

If you are intrested contact me at

Or WWF DVDs, and want to get rid of them, I would love to buy some from u cuz I am very serious collect on WWE (and WWF) DVDs, so PM me! :)

Why not try to watch the real fight--UFC since WWF is always choreographed and fake.:lol:
Why not try to watch the real fight--UFC since WWF is always choreographed and fake.:lol:
Why do you think it's called World Wrestling Entertainment[/i]?

I know it's fake, but I enjoy watching the humor and mock drama that's on it sometimes.

UFC can get boring sometimes when all they do is put each other in a hold without moving.